Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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[PDF] Cap-and-Trade Spending Overview

In addition to 2023-24 funds, proposes using $414 million annually in future GGRF discretionary funds to backfill proposed cuts to intended General Fund for ZEV programs in 2024-25 and 2025-26. Governor’s Proposals L E G I S L AT I V E A N A LY S T ’ S O F F I C E 9 Issues for Legislative Consideration „ State Likely Will Have Additional GGRF Revenues Available.

State Fiscal Health Index: May 2019 [EconTax Blog]

Jul 2, 2019 - The index ranges from 0 (representing the lowest level in the last 25 years) to 100 (representing the highest level in the last 25 years). Both the level of the index and changes in the index from month to month offer information about the state ’s fiscal health.

[PDF] The 2016-17 Budget: Fiscal Impacts of Proposition 47

Of the $26.9 million in court costs identified by the administration, our analysis finds that $25 million is for workload associated with resentencing hearings that occurred in 2014-15. As noted previously, we believe that a more reasonable way to calculate net savings in a given fiscal year is to account for all costs and savings incurred within that year.

[PDF] Implementation of AB 32 - Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006

A revised draft of the cap-and-trade regulation is expected to be released in late Spring of this year. The ARB has indicated that it plans to con- duct a hearing on the proposed regulation at an October 2010 board meeting and to adopt the regulation by the end of the calendar year, with an effective date of January 2012.

Parole hearings for youth offenders. [Ballot]

Aug 31, 2017 - Determinately sentenced individuals are generally first scheduled for a youth offender hearing dur ing their 15 th  year of incarceration. Indeterminately sentenced individuals whose sentences are less than 25 years-to-life are generally first scheduled for a youth offender hearing during their 20 th year of incarceration, while

Teacher employment laws. (Amendment No. 1) [Ballot]

Nov 24, 2015 - This measure ends collective bargaining for the following areas affecting certificated staff —layoffs and reemployment, transfers, reassignments, instructional hours during a normal school day, and the start date of instruction for the school year.

[PDF] The Costa-Matteoli Pension Solvency Act

Given all of these uncertainties, we are informing you that, in our opinion, a reasonable estimate of the net impact of this proposed initiative cannot be prepared within 25 working days from the date this proposed initiative was received.

2011 Initiative Analysis:

Given all of these uncertainties, we are informing you that, in our opinion, a reasonable estimate of the net impact of this proposed initiative cannot be prepared within 25 working days from the date this proposed initiative was received.

The California State Bar: Assessment of Proposed Disciplinary Case Processing Standards

Jan 6, 2023 - As shown in Figure  13 , backlog data reported in 2020 under the prior state definition demonstrates that at least half of cases remained open longer than one year after complaint receipt. About 20  percent to 25  percent of cases remained open for more than two years —including some that were pending for more than five years.

[PDF] Child Welfare Realignment

We recommend that the responsibility and funding for these children be realigned to school districts. 4L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E January 25, 2011 ; The structure of child welfare systems varies by state.