Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] LAO 1998 Budget Analysis: Resources Chapter

Lodge at Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park. The department proposes a two- to-three year concession contract to continue operation and mainte- nance of the Big Sur Lodge, grocery store, and gift shop located within B - 74 Resources 1998-99 Analysis the park.

[PDF] Maddy Emergency and Trauma Services Act

Some of the cost of this uncompensated care is partly offset by various state and county government subsidies. For example, the current state budget allocates about Hon. Bill Lockyer 2 March 15, 2002 $25 million in state tobacco product tax revenues received under a 1988 initiative known as Proposition 99, on a one-year basis, to help pay for uncompensated emergency care provided by hospitals and physicians.

U.S. Retail Sales Update: February 2021 [EconTax Blog]

Mar 16, 2021 - Despite a decline of 3 percent from January, February retail sales were 6.5 percent above February 2020.

California’s High Housing Costs: Causes and Consequences

In contrast, many California cities and counties find that housing developments lead to more local costs than offsetting tax revenues. This is because these properties do not produce sales or hotel tax revenues directly and the state ’s cities and counties typically receive only a small portion of the revenue collected from the property tax.

[PDF] Groundwater Preservation and Water Consumer Awareness Act of 2015

In recent years, local governments, such as cities, counties, and water districts, have spent about $26 billion per year to supply water and to treat wastewater. About 80 percent of this spending is paid for by ratepayers of water and sewer bills.

[PDF] Voter-Approval Requirements for Local Taxes

Voting Requirements Under Current Law Measure Governing Body Voters State Tax 2/3 — Fee Majority — General obligation bond 2/3 + Majority Lease-revenue bond Majority — Initiative proposing revenue or debt — Majority Constitutional amendment (Legislative) 2/3 + Majority Local Tax: Funds used for general purposes 2/3a + Majority Funds used for specifi c purposes

2005 Initiative Analysis: Responsible Gaming and Population Segment Investment

This measure amends the Constitution to allow Las Vegas-style gambling within a “gaming district” that would be established in San Bernardino County. The land for the district wo uld be purchased by the state through eminent domain.

2005 Initiative Analysis: Responsible Gaming, Population Segment Investment and Military Troop/Family Support

This measure amends the Constitution to allow Las Vegas-style gambling within a “gaming district” that would be established in San Bernardino County. The land for the district wo uld be purchased by the state through eminent domain.

California Update April 1997

Although some of the gain may be due to the unusually dry weather in n orthern California during the month, major gains also occurred in Southern California regions —such as Orange and San Diego counties —which are less influenced by seasonal weather variations.

Budget Package--AB 425 and Related Trailer Bills

Restorations include certain optional Medi-Cal services for some adults, eligibility for some two-parent working families, quarterly status reporting for parents, county administration funding, additional copayments for some services, and a proposed further reduction in hospital funding.