Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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[PDF] California Jobs Initiative (version 2)

The state’s unemployment rate has not been that low for four consecutive calendar quarters for at least 40 years. Unem- ployment is forecast to remain high for the next several years. Given this, it is probable that the measure’s suspension mechanism would go into effect immediately and stay in effect indefinitely.

California Spending Plan 2003-04

Tobacco Securitization The 2002-03 budget package authorized the sale of bonds backed by the state's future rights to its flow of tobacco settlement revenues (TSRs) over roughly the next 25  years. Under the provision of the 1998 Master Settlement Agreement between certain large tobacco companies and most states, California will receive TSRs annually in

The 2018-19 Budget: Governor's May Revision Medi-Cal Budget

May 14, 2018 - Proposition  55 includes a budget formula that provides additional funding to Medi-Cal if, in the estimation of the Department of Finance (DOF), General Fund revenues will exceed constitutionally required spending on schools and the “workload budget ” costs of other government programs that were in place as of January 2016.

Oversight of Private Colleges in California

Accredited nonprofit institutions that have operated in the state for at least 25 years, have student loan default rates below 10  percent, and meet certain other requirements, including maintaining specified financial ratios and refund policies.

[PDF] California Spending Plan 2007-08: The Budget Act and Related Legislation

Figure 6 Ongoing K-12 Proposition 98 Funding (In Millions) Major Changes Cost-of-living adjustments $2,122.8 Child care funding shift 269.0 School meals 24.9 State median income adjustment 6.8 Early Mental Health Initiative 5.0 Preschool wrap-around care 5.0 Other/baseline adjustments 57.5 Growth -11.0 High Priority Schools Grant Program -100.0 Ongoing shortfall

LAO 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: IHSS Time Card Reforms (5180)

The DSS indicates that providers frequently save up their time cards and submit them all for processing at the end of the calendar year. This means that counties are not able to monitor the use of IHSS hours on a regular basis.

[PDF] The 2014-15 Budget: A Review of the 2014 California Five-Year Infrastructure Plan

In January 2014, the administration released a Water Action Plan, which is a five-year plan that addresses key water challenges facing the state. For example, the Water Action Plan calls for the implementation of the Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP), which proposes water reliability and environmental restoration components estimated to cost about $25 billion.

[PDF] Analysis of Higher Education May Revision Proposals

The proposed $96 million augmentation for UC’s unfunded pension liability is contingent upon the Department of Finance (DOF) certifying that the UC Regents have approved a retirement program for new Figure 1 Higher Education General Fund Support (Dollars in Millions) 2014-15 2015-16 Year-to-Year Change At May Revision January May Change January May Change Amount

State Fiscal Health Index: July 2019 [EconTax Blog]

Sep 10, 2019 - The index ranges from 0 (representing the lowest level in the last 25 years) to 100 (representing the highest level in the last 25 years). Both the level of the index and changes in the index from month to month offer information about the state ’s fiscal health.

[PDF] Proposition 22

While this sharing of revenues has been in place for many years, the Legislature does have the authority to change the allocation with a majority vote.  Proposition 22 would require a two-thirds vote of each house of the Legislature and a public hearing process to be conducted in order to change the amount of fuel excise tax revenues shared with cities and counties.  In the