Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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[PDF] 1963 Budget Analysis: Preliminary

,any. salary inc creases for state employees in the budget year. Since this. is, proposed on a broad policy basis, the reasons for which are outlined below and also in detail in connection with the Budget Bill items for salary increases, we believe that the State could also appropriately hold up on adding any amounts to school apportionments beyond the sums

Updating Special Education Out-of-Home Care Funding

Feb 23, 2021 - In recent years, the state has continued to provide Out ‑of ‑Home Care funding, but counts of foster youth and bed capacity for group homes have been frozen at 2016 ‑ 17 l evels for each SELPA. In other words, for the past several years, Out ‑of ‑Home Care funding has not accounted for changes in foster youth counts in each SELPA, the placement of more foster youth with resource families, or the replacement of group homes with STRTPs.

Maintaining the Master Plan's Commitment to College Access

A recent study by the Education Commission of the States finds that California has the nation's highest college participation rate among persons over 25 years of age. Policies That Affect Access To Higher Education The variation in college participation rates over time reflects changes in various factors that affect Californians' choices about college.

The 2017-18 Budget: Overview of the Governor’s Proposition 98 Budget Package

Jan 13, 2017 - During the economic boom that prevailed in the late 1990s, the state for several years provided more funding than was required by the minimum guarantee. Because the minimum guarantee generally builds upon the level provided in the previous year, such augmentations resulted in long-term increases in school funding.

Major Features of the 1997 California Budget

These funds will pay for facilities requested for the 1996-97 school year that were not previously f unded. The budget also provides one-time funds for deferred maintenance, educational technology (digital high school), and creation of new child care facilities. 1997-98 Baseline Increases.

[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Local Assistance

The Bureau of Text- books and Publications, Division of Public School Administration, has the responsibility to maintain supply and to distribute to the local schools. The State Printing Plant prints most of the adopted textbooks.

The 2017-18 Budget: Bus Driver Training Program

Mar 10, 2017 - In addition, the office has the authority to charge fees for its certification courses and other services and generated about $100,000 in fee revenue that year. The bulk of fee revenue comes from the school bus driver instructor course.

Proposition 51 Facilities Funding [EdBudget]

Jan 10, 2019 - For approved charter school projects, certain requirements must be completed within five years to receive bond funds. The Office of Public School Construction processes new construction and modernization applications by date received.

[PDF] California Road Repairs Act of 2014

In many years, this reduction in General Fund revenues would reduce required state funding for schools and community colleges. The net reduction in General Fund resources typically would be in the tens of millions of dollars annually.

The 2022-23 Budget: Analysis of the Care Economy Workforce Development Package

Mar 10, 2022 - School Behavioral Health Counselors and Coaches 338.0 (across five years) As part of broader Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative, provide grants to a variety of entities to increase number of behavioral health counselors, coaches, and peer support specialists in schools.