Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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Income Tax Withholding Tracker: 3/23 to 3/27 [EconTax Blog]

Mar 27, 2020 - The first graph compares withholding payments received this week to payments received in the comparable week in 2019, which ran from Monday, March 25 to Friday, March 29 of that year. In contrast to last week, withholding this week was noticeably affected by the outbreak, as payments this week were down 15 percent compared to the same week a year ago.

Initiative process. [Ballot]

Nov 17, 2021 - Beginning in 2024-25, the measure would require that the appropriation level be adjusted annually to reflect any increase or decrease in the California Consumer Price Index. The measure does not specify whether this appropriation would be considered part of legislative appropriations —and therefore subject to the constitutional limit —or not.

Teacher tenure (Amendment No. 1). [Ballot]

Nov 24, 2015 - This measure would require school districts to conduct two additional evaluations within a teachers ’ first five years of employment. Whereas teachers currently are evaluated in years one, two, and four of their employment, this measure would require them to be evaluated in each of their first five years.

LAO Publications

Format: MOU Fiscal Analysis: Bargaining Unit 10 (Professional Scientific) August 25, 2006 - We provide a fiscal analysis of the proposed MOU with Bargaining Unit 10, which includes state scientific personnel.

LAO Publications

Format: MOU Fiscal Analysis: Bargaining Unit 10 (Professional Scientific) August 25, 2006 - We provide a fiscal analysis of the proposed MOU with Bargaining Unit 10, which includes state scientific personnel.

Homeowners’ and renters’ tax relief. [Ballot]

Nov 2, 2017 - This measure would result in the following major fiscal impacts: Reduction in state revenue of roughly $4  billion per year. Likely a reduction in funding for schools and community colleges of roughly $2  billion in most years.

[PDF] The 2021-22 Budget: CalWorks Fiscal Outlook

We Project Further Increases in Out-Years. We project caseload to peak in 2022-23, consistent with historic evidence suggesting caseload peaks roughly two years after peak unemployment. We further project caseload to remain above pre-pandemic levels through at least 2024-25.

1999-00 Budget, Perspectives and Issues: Year-Round Operation In Higher Education

Year-round campuses could provide a full academic year of instruction (three quarters or two trimesters) to one-third more students per calendar year compared to the traditional th ree-quarter or two-semester campuses.

Perspectives on the CalSTRS funding scenarios discussed at the March 19, 2014 joint hearing.

Mar 19, 2014 - Each CalSTRS scenario also displays the probability that the system will "run out of money " within 75 years. Only in the 20-year funding scenarios does this probability fall to  1 percent or less. The 30-year funding scenarios show at least a 25 percent probability of funding depletion, while the 60-year funding scenarios show a 47 percent probability of this occurring.

Deferral Paydowns in Governor's Budget [EdBudget]

Jan 15, 2021 - Deferral Paydowns in Governor's Budget [EdBudget]     a Scoring reflects the year to which the payments are attributed for purposes of meeting the Proposition 98 guarantee. Schools and community colleges will receive all of the associated cash in 2021-22.