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Assessing California’s Climate Policies—An Overview

Dec 21, 2018 - Assessing GHG Effects That Extend Beyond State ’s Inventory. CARB uses its GHG inventory to track the state ’s progress in meeting the statewide emissions limits. As discussed earlier, the inventory includes emissions that occur in ‑state, as well as emissions associated with electricity that is imported from other states.

Federal Approval of a Reauthorized Managed Care Organization Tax Now Appears More Likely

Dec 21, 2018 - At that time, state policymakers were expecting revisions to federal rules on health care-related taxes that could have, in the years followin g 2018-19, prohibited a MCO tax similar in structure to the state ’s current MCO tax.

Assessing California’s Climate Policies—Transportation

Dec 21, 2018 - Vehicle charging at state buildings Department of General Services $90  million over four  years State General Fund and special funds The department has a plan to install 6,200 charging stations at state buildings for employees and the state fleet.

Assessing California’s Climate Policies—An Overview [Publication Details]

Dec 21, 2018 - This report provides a conceptual overview of the potential economic effects of policies intended to help meet these goals—both positive and negative—as well as identifies some key issues for the Legislature to consider when designing and evaluating state climate policies.

Assessing California’s Climate Policies—Transportation [Publication Details]

Dec 21, 2018 - In a companion report, Assessing California’s Climate Policies—An Overview , we describe the general types of economic effects of state climate policies, key challenges in measuring these effects, and broad issues for the Legislature to consider when designing and evaluating its climate policies.

Analyzing Recent Changes to State Support for Fiscally Distressed Districts [Publication Details]

Dec 20, 2018 - Analyzing Recent Changes to State Support for Fiscally Distressed Districts [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

Analyzing Recent Changes to State Support for Fiscally Distressed Districts

Dec 20, 2018 - Under the changes in Chapter  426, the state is delegating this key oversight role to COEs, which may not share the state ’s interests or feel the same level of obligation to retire the state loan. State Offers Independent, External Perspective to Districts in Fiscal Distress.

Recent Changes to State and County IHSS Wage and Benefit Costs

Dec 14, 2018 - Beginning in 2019, the state participation cap will increase at the same time the state minimum wage increases. Specifically, once state min imum wage equals or exceeds $12.00 per hour, the state participation cap will always “float above, ” or exceed, the state minimum wage by $1.10.

Recent Changes to State and County IHSS Wage and Benefit Costs [Publication Details]

Dec 14, 2018 - Recent Changes to State and County IHSS Wage and Benefit Costs [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

The Great Recession and California's Recovery [Publication Details]

Dec 13, 2018 - California was called "ungovernable," "a wreck," and "a failed state." Today, California's fiscal position is dramatically different. While the budget still faces challenges, the state has made undeniable progress: the Legislature has enacted budgets that consistently increased savings, addressed many of the state's outstanding debts, and most