Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] 1947 Budget Analysis: Department of Justice

This is exemplified by the -fact that 106 cities that formerly reported are not now reporting. Obvi- ously there is a snbsfantial potential of additional 1"eporting which, if fo1"thcoming, will req~~ire a f1.wther sizeable increase in staffing in the f~dt~ro if beneficial results are to follow from the 'reports received.


On the theory that it would reduce the number of persons required to be institutionalized, c' the department undertook to establish five out-patient clinics in the cities of Los Angeles, San Diego, Fresno, Sacramento, and Berkeley. { - 327- As a result of this expanded program, California now stands among the first seven states in level of care as measured by ratios of mlrses and attendants per patient.

[PDF] 1950 Budget Analysis: Department of Agriculture

During the past year city-approved inspection has been discontinued in San Leandro, San Diego, Pasadena and San Jose. At present only three cities maintain a city-approved meat inspection service, namely Sacra- mento, Oakland and San Francisco.

[PDF] 1950 Budget Analysis: CAPITAL OUTLAY

There has been no showing on the part of the agency that sizeable inaccuracies resulted from any method of _ pro rating for these charges, and in the final analysis the amount of the reimbursements is actually a transfer between funds by the State.

[PDF] 1951 Budget Analysis: LOCAL ASSISTANCE

TEACHERS' RETIREMENT SYSTEM ITEM 364 of the Budget Bill Budget page 1061 Budget line No. 40 For Transfer to Teachers' Permanent Fund for Operation of the State Teachers' Retirement System From the General Fund Amount requested ______________________________________ $4,952,500 Estimated to be expended in 1950-51 Fiscal Year____________ 5,368,000 Decrease (7.7 percent) ~_________________________________ $415,500 ANALYSIS The amount requested is computed as follows: .


Section 7 prior to 1951 has permitted transfer of funds with approval of the Director of Finance only between so-called object categories in support, i.e., salaries and wages, operating expenses, and equipment.

[PDF] 1953 Budget Analysis: Public Utilities Oommission

It should be noted that several other state agencies have offices in these three cities and a pooling of state field services could probably eliminate not only the need for these three clerks but perhaps several additional in the other agencies as well.

[PDF] The 2010-11 Budget: Health & Social Services - A Restricted Environment

For example, under existing federal law, the state has some ability to use program transfers and other accounting shifts to obtain at least some relief from federal MOE requirements that apply to the CalWORKs program.

[PDF] The 2011-12 Budget: Year-Two Survey - Update on School District Finance in California

Specifically, in our 2009 report, Education Mandates: Overhauling a Broken System, we highlighted 26 mandates that the state could eliminate (that have not already been eliminated), including Notification of Truancy, The Stull Act, and Intra‑District Transfers.

Analysis of the 1995-96 Budget Bill: California State University

(Including the transfer of California Maritime Academy FTE to the CSU systems in 1995-96, the total will be about 252,500.) We will propose specific supplemental re port language prior to budget hearings.