Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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2001 Budget Analysis: Capital Outlay, Department of Motor Vehicles (2740)

The DMV Stockton field office is located adjacent to the former Stockton state hospital site, which is now controlled by a joint powers authority of the City of Stockton and Califo rnia State University (CSU).

LAO 2003 Budget Analysis: Judiciary and Criminal Justice, Department of Justice (0820)

Because developing physical evidence through laboratory analysis is part of the responsibility of local governments for investigating and prosecuting crimes, we believe that the c osts for these services should be borne by the counties and cities.

[PDF] Prior to 2012, cities and counties could create

Prior to 2012, cities and counties could create redevelopment agencies to address urban blight. Redevelopment agencies received property tax growth from all the local governments—city, county, special districts, and schools—within the designated areas of the agencies.

[PDF] Design-Build: An Alternative Construction System

Ch 767/00 (SB 1144, Johannessen)a Two specified cities. • Projects not exceeding $50 million. Ch 421/01 (AB 1402, Simitian)a School districts. • Projects exceeding $10 million. • Expires 1/1/07. Ch 637/02 (AB 1000, Simitian)ab Three specified community college districts, and five additional as selected by the community colleges Chancellor. • Expires1/1/08.

[PDF] Overview of Gambling in California

State law permits cardrooms to operate in those cities or counties that have adopted ordinances that authorize them. In addition, cardrooms must also comply with additional state regulatory requirements, such as licensing.

Related to the cultivation, use, possession, and sale of marijuana (Amendment #1). [Ballot]

Oct 9, 2015 - A small number of cities also impose a supplementa l tax on medical marijuana retail sales. Proposal This measure changes state law to legalize the possession, cultivation, and sale of marijuana. Despite these changes to state law, activities related to the use of marijuana would continue to be prohibited under federal law.

LAO Publications

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LAO Publications

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[PDF] Child Care Budget for 2003-04 Without Realignment

Excludes Revenues From Proposition 98 Calculation and “Rebenches” Proposition 98 to Reflect Transfer of Child Care Programs • The Governor’s proposal assumes that the realignment revenues would not affect the Proposition 98 minimum guar- antee.

[PDF] Motor Vehicle Account Overview

.„ Since 2009-10, roughly $70 million in MVA funds have been transferred to the General Fund annually to provide relief. In 2010-11, in addition to the transfer, a $180 million loan of MVA funds was made to the General Fund that must be repaid within three years.