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[PDF] The 2016-17 Budget: Analysis of the Proposition 98 May Revision Budget Package

The May Revision provides additional funding to a small group of COEs based not on students’ or districts’ educational costs (the essence of LCFF), but rather on their counties’ property tax growth and historic participation in certain state categorical programs.

California's Fiscal Forecast 1997-98--Chapter 4

About 85  percent of total funding for these school programs is from the state General Fund and local property taxes. Public K-12 education in California is provided to about 5.6  million students--ranging from infants to adults--through about 1,060 locally governed school districts and county offices of education.

Building Permits Update: July 2021 [EconTax Blog]

Sep 7, 2021 - Los Angeles County permitted 1,765 units, but no other metro area had as many as 500. Nonresidential construction permit remains historically weak, and July ’s total of $937 million was the single lowest monthly figure since 2012, when the state ’s economy was far smaller and the price level lower.

[PDF] "The People's Gaming Act"

This measure could significantly increase local tax revenues (such as property and sales taxes) for Adelanto and surrounding communities as a result of gaming-related increases in economic activity. The level of increase is unknown but could potentially total more than $1 million annually.

[PDF] The 1993-94 State Budget: Perspectives and Issues

State Legalization Impact Assistance Grant (SLlAG) Medi-Cal SSI/SSP Food stamps County Medical Services AFDC California Children's Services Total SLlAG8 AFDC SSI/SSP Incarceration of undocumented felons Total other costs.. . ..... .... ..... .

2007-08: Overview of the Governor’s Budget

We propose a nearly $500 million realignment of responsibility for supervision of lower –level criminal offenders from the state parole system to county probation. Funding for parole realignment would come from a reallocation of waste and water district property taxes, city Proposition 172 sales taxes, and vehicle license fees.

The 2021-22 Budget: Community Schools

Feb 12, 2021 - Have cosignatories from partner government agencies, such as county public health, county health, and county mental health agencies. Grantees can use the funding to coordinate and provide wraparound services (such as physical and mental health) on school sites, and train community school staff to provide student supports.

2001 Budget Analysis:Department of Child Support Services

The sequence of events which occurred with PRISM are similar to those that have occurred with other child support automation activities (see our analysis of the Franchise Tax Boar d's California Arrearage Management Project [CAMP] under Item 1730 of the "General Government" section of this Analysis ).

Criminal penalties and DNA collection. [Ballot]

Dec 21, 2017 - County Jail and/or Community Supervision. Felony offenders who have no current or prior convictions for serious, violent, or sex offenses are typically sentenced to county jail or supervision in the community by a county probation officer, or both.

Proposed statutory initiative that increases excise taxes on the distribution of cigarettes and other tobacco products. [Ballot]

Jun 23, 2015 - The department administers various education programs, and allocates funding to various types of local education agencies, including county offices of education, school districts, and charter schools.