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Results for snohomish county lodging tax in Ballot

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Personal income taxes and funding for education and health programs (Amendment No. 1). [Ballot]

Nov 10, 2015 - Figure 1 summarizes income tax rates under current law , including Proposition 30 ’s temporary tax increases. After Proposition 30 expires, current law provides for a 9.3 percent top marginal income tax rate (not counting a 1 percent tax rate on taxable income i n excess of $1 million for mental health programs).

Extend temporary personal income tax rate increases on high-income taxpayers (Amendment #1). [Ballot]

Jan 25, 2016 - Income Taxes. Proposition  30 also increased marginal income tax rates paid by roughly the 1  percent of tax filers in the state with the highest incomes. Depending on their taxable income levels, these filers pay an extra 1 percent, 2 percent, or 3  percent tax on part of their incomes.

Funding for various brownfield-related activities. [Ballot]

Nov 29, 2021 - This measure would allow the state to borrow up to $2.7  billion by selling additional general obligation bonds to investors, who would be repaid with interest using the state ’s general tax revenues.

1,000 percent sales tax on some political advertisements. [Ballot]

Dec 29, 2015 - In addition, executive branch entities and the courts would have to determine how exactly the $1  million tax exemption in the measure would work. Fiscal Effect Highly Uncertain. The amount of tax money the proposed sales tax would generate for public education is highly uncertain.

1,000 percent sales tax on political advertisements. [Ballot]

Oct 28, 2015 - The amount of tax money the proposed sales tax would generate for public education is highly uncertain. This is due to the unknown outcome of the court challenges described above a nd uncertainty about how any such tax, however applied, would affect the behavior of groups and individuals involved in politics.

Data collection and reporting requirements for law enforcement agencies. [Ballot]

Sep 24, 2018 - In 2015, the Legislature enacted legislation requiring that the California Highway Patrol (CHP), city or county law enforcement agencies, and university education institution law enforcement agencies collect and report annually to the Department of Justice (DOJ) certain data on all stops conducted by their officers.

Funding for California’s health care safety net. [Ballot]

Jan 3, 2018 - State Personal Income Tax California Taxes Personal Income. California levies a personal income tax (PIT) on the income of state residents and on income of nonresidents that is derived from California sources.

Revised Use of Reasonable Force Act of 2015 [Ballot]

May 12, 2015 - Background Currently, there are several hundred police agencies in California that provide police services, such as city and university police departments and county sheriff departments. These agencies employ roughly 90,000 officers.

A proposed statutory initiative to lower the legal age to purchase and consume alcohol. [Ballot]

Oct 14, 2015 - Taxes Associated With Alcohol Sales. The state collects an alcoholic beverage tax on alcohol sold in California. The tax is a per-gallon excise tax with a rate that varies by the type of alcohol, from $0.20 per gallon for beer and wine to as much as $6.60 per gallon for some distilled spirits.

Health insurer financial reserves. [Ballot]

Jan 5, 2018 - As part of the MCO tax legislation, the net income from healt h coverage of insurers subject to the MCO tax was made exempt from the corporate income tax. The provisions of the MCO tax legislation, including exemptions from the corporate inco me tax, are set to expire in July 2019.