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LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: Juvenile Justice

To do this, th e plan proposes to reopen living units that are currently closed and transfer a number of wards to them. The plan proposes to phase in additional custody and treatment staff in the units over a four-year period.

[PDF] Fish and Game Warden Staffing and Compensation

Lateral Transfers. In 2006, DFG began accepting lateral trans- fers of other peace offi cers without applicants having to attend full warden academy training. In 2006, there were 31 applicants and 9 hires from this pool.

[PDF] Overview of Juvenile Justice System and County Funding Provided Through the State

Small Number of Youths Referred to Adult Court „ Juvenile courts may choose to transfer certain youths’ cases to adult court if a transfer request is filed with the court, typically in cases where youths have committed very severe crimes.

Analysis of the 1995-96 Budget Bill: Resources Overview

Also as part of the reorga nization proposal, the budget proposes to transfer the Beverage Container Recycling program from the DOC to the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) beginning in 19 96.

LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: Education, University of California (6440)

The Legislature has shown considerable interest in improving transfers from CCC to UC and CSU. Our proposal provides about 11  percent more funding ($545,000) for UC's community college outreach programs than the Governor's.

[PDF] Volatility of the Personal Income Tax Base

Similarly, essentially none of the items classified as transfer payments are taxable under the state PIT. Some Social Security payments, however, are taxable at the federal level. • Most Dividends, Interest, and Rent in BEA Measure Not Taxed.

2009 Initiative Analysis: California Cancer Research Act (Version 3)

Transfers Permitted From Facilities Fund. In the event the committee determined that there was a surplus in the Hope 2010 Facilities Fund, the measure authorizes the committee to transfer those monies to the Hope 2010 Research Fund, the Hope 2010 Smoking Cessation Fund, or the Hope 2010 Law Enforcement Fund.

LAO 2007 Budget Analysis: Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission (3360)

This is achieved by transferring funds from the Ratepayer Relief Fund to the continuously appropriated Energy Conservation Assistance Account. Of this amount, $1.1 million is for program administration (four positions) and the balance of $23.7 million is for grants, loans, and technical support contracts.

Summary of LAO Findings and Recommendations on the 2011-12 Budget

If the Legislature adopts the Governor’s January 2011-12 budget proposal to eliminate enterprise zone tax credits, recommend elimination of the ten positions at HCD responsible for administering the program. 1-23-11 Transfer of IT function to Department of General Services (DGS) and staff to handle new workload Adopt Governor’s 2011-12 January budget proposal to transfer DFEH’s IT workload to DGS.

[PDF] We further recommend that all penalty assessment revenues be

We further recommend that all penalty assessment revenues be transferred to the General Fund where they would be available to the Legislature for appropriation to various programs through the annual budget process.