Results for 서울시 tax

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LAO State Budget Condition

LAO State Budget Condition Video January 11, 2012 - The Governor’s proposed tax initiative is the cornerstone of his 2012-13 budget plan, which includes proposals to restructure education finance, reduce social services and child care programs substantially, and implement trigger cuts--primarily affecting schools--if voters do not approve the tax measure.

Proposition Analysis

The revenue collected from this additional tax woul d support zero-emission vehicle programs and wildfire response and prevention activities. A NO vote on this measure means: No change would be made to taxes on personal income above $2 million annually.

[PDF] Contingency Fees

In addition, any reduction in income tax revenue could be partially offset by increased sales taxes generated by greater spending by plaintiffs. As such, the fiscal impact of the measure on state tax revenue is unknown.

[PDF] Proposition 33: Automobile Insurance

.  Insurance Premium Tax  Insurance companies doing business in California currently pay an insurance premium tax instead of the state corporation tax.  The premium tax is based on the amount of gross insurance premiums earned in the state each year for automobile insurance as well as for other types of insurance coverage. 

[PDF] Cultivation, use, possession, and sale of marijuana.

The measure also states that existing sales and use taxes shall not be applied to marijuana sold for medical use. The measure, however, authorizes the Legislature to impose new excise taxes on marijuana sold for recreational or medical use.

[PDF] Cultivation, use, possession, and sale of marijuana.

The measure also states that existing sales and use taxes shall not be applied to marijuana sold for medical use. The measure, however, authorizes the Legislature to impose new excise taxes on marijuana sold for recreational or medical use.

1996-97 Budget Analysis: Perspectives and Issues Part I

The Governor's Tax Reduction Proposal The budget includes a variety of tax reduction provisions as part of the Governor's plan to "Invest in California's Competitiveness. " The heart of the Governor's tax proposal is a 15 percent across-the-board reduction in personal income tax and bank and corporation tax rates to be phased in evenly over a three- year period beginning January 1, 1997.

Other Budget Issues

May personal income taxes finish $550 million above Governor's projection Provides update on May 2013 personal income tax collections. May income tax collections, to date, are above Governor's projections Provides update on California's May 2013 personal income tax collections.

[PDF] The 2014-15 Budget: Changes to a Local Infrastructure Financing Tool

Infrastructure Financing Districts Use Tax Increment Financing to Fund Infrastructure Projects. In 1990, the Legislature authorized cities and counties to form IFDs to fund infrastructure projects. Once formed, an IFD receives a portion of property tax growth within the district—known as “tax increment”—to fund specified infrastructure projects.

The 2014-15 Budget: Changes to a Local Infrastructure Financing

IFDs may pay the cost of infrastructure projects directly with tax increment or may issue bonds that are repaid with the tax increment. State law does not authorize IFDs to levy new taxes. Local government use of IFDs has been uncommon, with only a small number of districts formed since 1990.