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"E-Government" in California, Providing Services to Citizens Through the Internet

A small number of California's cities and counties have made some government services available on the Internet. For example, Orange and Los Angeles Counties have established web s ites through which the public can request birth, marriage, or death certificates, although there is an additional fee to receive these services on-line.

[PDF] An LAO Report “E-Government” in California Providing Services to Citizens Through the Internet

In addition, some agencies, such as California’s Franchise Tax Board (FTB), have the capability to allow the public to enter information and then receive back informa- tion concerning the status of a particular activity.

[PDF] May 24, 2001 The 2001-02 Senate Budget Bill SB 75 (Peace) As Adopted by the Budget and Fiscal Review Committee

The Senate also increased county single allocation block grants by $31 million and directed parties to develop CalWORKs county block grant funding and allocation alternatives for consideration by the conference committee.

[PDF] May 25, 2001 The 2001-02 Assembly Budget Bill AB 95 (Cardenas) As Adopted by the Budget Committee

The May Revision also proposes capping the gasoline sales tax “spillover” to the PTA at $81 million in the budget year and $37 million in 2002-03. þ The Assembly approved a lower amount and a different combina- tion of staff and contracts to design and engineer transportation projects.

[PDF] 2001-02 Budget Conference Committee

Neither version reflects the federal tax reduction measure that was recently agreed to in Congress, which would result in the phase out of California's estate tax. The measure would reduce California revenues by over $100 million in 2001-02, over $400 million in 2002-03, over $750 million in 2003-04, and over $1.1 billion in 2004-05. """"" Tax Relief !

[PDF] 2001-02 Budget Bill Conference Committee Version

In addition, an offset- ting reduction of $100 million in estate taxes was adopted to reflect the effect of recent federal law changes. § Expenditures. The Conference Committee's General Fund expenditure total is $79.1 billion, which is $587 million less than the May Revision.

Improving CalWORKs Program Effectiveness: Changing the Employment Services Budget Process

Allocations in 2000-01: Wide County Variation Statewide. Figure 2 shows the large range in single allocations per aided adult among all California counties. The statewide single allocation per aided adult was about $4,000, but the alloc ation for individual counties generally ranged from $2,400 in Tulare County up to about $11,300 in San Luis Obispo County.


. , which conditions, by reason of their magnitude, are or are likely to be beyond the control of the services, personnel, equipment, and facilities of any single county or city and require the combined forces of a mutual aid region or with re spect to regulated energy utilities, a sudden and severe energy shortage requires extraordinary measures beyond the authority vested in the California Public Utilities Commission.

[PDF] California's Fiscal Outlook: LAO Projections 2001-02 Through 2006-07

MMMMMaaaaac Tc Tc Tc Tc Taaaaayyyyylololololorrrrr County and city fiscal affairs ............... Marianne O’Malley County and special district fiscal affairs ...............................................

Fiscal Oulook 2001, Chapter 3

In addition, if the stock is held for at least one year, a reduced federal preferential capital gains tax rate applies as opposed to the regular tax rate. Thus, qualified options can benefit both from having the taxes on their gains deferred and being taxed at a lower rate.