Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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The 2013-14 Budget: Overview of the May Revision [Publication Details]

May 17, 2013 - After years of "boom and bust" budgeting, California's leaders now have the opportunity to build a budget for future years that gives the state more choices about how to build reserves in times of healthy revenue growth, prioritize future state spending, and pay off past debts.

Increased cost for state IT project: Examination and Certification Online System (ECOS)

May 7, 2013 - Pursuant to the SPR, the project is now scheduled to be complete in May 2017 wit h a total project cost of about $10  million —nearly two years later than originally expected and more than double the approved cost.

FTB preliminary April income tax tally confirms prior estimates

May 3, 2013 - As we have noted since January, to the extent that 2012-13 state revenues end up higher than prior projections, a very large portion of this increase will be required to be allocated to schools and community colleges, given the current method of administering Proposition 98 (the state's constitutional minimum funding guarantee for these educational entities).

Request for positions related to the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

May 2, 2013 - We believe it is reasonable to expect these changes to result in additional license applica tions and modifications in the next couple of years. However, in our view, the degree to which the additional workload will continue on an ongoing basis —even after health plans have had a couple of years to adjust to the new market environment under the ACA —is still subject to substantial uncertainty.

Corporation taxes ended April around $200 million above year-to-date projections (preliminary)

May 1, 2013 - Corporation taxes ended April around $200 million above year-to-date projections (preliminary) Corporation taxes ended April around $200 million above year-to-date projections (preliminary) Program: This is an update on April corporation tax collections.

Preliminary April personal income tax collections of $13.02 billion (all funds)

Apr 30, 2013 - Moreover, differences in assumed year-over-year growth rates of revenues will affect the Proposition 98 minimum funding guarantee for schools and community colleges. If stock market trends  continue to be positive, these will affect 2013-14 revenues as well.

The Administrator Training Program (ATP) and the California Subject Matter Projects (CSMP).

Apr 17, 2013 - The projects must reserve 75 percent of slots for teachers working either in low-performing schools or schools with high dropout rates. Some projects require participants and/or school districts to pay a program fee, wit h fee rates varying by project.

Overview of Charter School Proposals (Assembly) [Publication Details]

Apr 16, 2013 - Overview of Charter School Proposals (Assembly) [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

Pension board faces difficult decision concerning its actuarial policies.

Apr 15, 2013 - The CAAP identified actuarial policies that aim to retire actuarial gains and losses over a 15 to 20 year period as a "model practice." Retiring such gains and losses over an up to 25-year period was identified as an “acceptable practice, with conditions.”

Governor's proposal to suspend Interagency Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting (ICAN) mandate

Apr 11, 2013 - These claims, which typically include costs for multiple years, beginning with the fiscal year preceding the filing date of the initial test claim, serve as the basis for the statewide cost estimate that the CSM reports to the Legislature.