Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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Uptick in Unemployment Rate Triggered a Recession Indicator [EconTax Blog]

Oct 3, 2023 - Sahm Rule Recession Indicator Triggered On Earlier This Year. The state ’s unemployment rate has moved upwards since last fall —climbing from 3.8 percent in August 2022 to 4.6 percent in August 2023.

Uptick in Unemployment Rate Triggered a Recession Indicator [EconTax Blog]

Oct 3, 2023 - Sahm Rule Recession Indicator Triggered On Earlier This Year. The state ’s unemployment rate has moved upwards since last fall —climbing from 3.8 percent in August 2022 to 4.6 percent in August 2023.

[PDF] Overview of Program Funding for English Language Learners

Annual increases in the number or percentage of children attaining English proficiency by the end of each school year. Adequate yearly progress for limited English proficient chil- dren as required by Title I of No Child Left Behind Act.

[PDF] Major Features of the 1997 California Budget Budget Brief

These funds will pay for facilities requested for the 1996-97 school year that were not previously funded. The budget also provides one-time funds for deferred maintenance, educational technology (digital high school), and creation of new child care facilities. 1997-98 Baseline Increases.

[PDF] 1955 Budget Analysis: Education

Admission Standards In our" Analysis of the Budget Bill for the 1954-55 Fiscal Year," we noted what, in our judgment, were certain weaknesses in the rules for admission of high school students and junior college transfers.

[PDF] First-Time Freshman Eligibility for California Public Higher Education

Specifically, the plan calls for: • Community colleges to accept all applicants 18 years and older who can benefit from attendance. • The California State University (CSU) to draw from the top one-third (33.3 percent) of public high school graduates and to accept all qualified community college transfer students. • The University of California (UC) to draw from

[PDF] Over the past several years, Cal/OSHA has

Over the past several years, Cal/OSHA has operated with a relatively high vacancy rate (above 20 percent) among its inspection staff, especially among inspection staff in its Bay Area region offices.


Each year about 25 percent of licensed drivers do not renew their licenses due to deaths, leaving the State, ceasing to drive, or driv- ing with invalid licenses. The purging of these files would reduce the need for new filing cases and make more space available.

[PDF] Overview of Special Education in California

Marty Block, Chair Overview of Special Education in California L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E May 7, 2015 LAO 70 YEARS OF SERVICE 1L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E May 7, 2015 LAO 70 YEARS OF SERVICE  Schools First Must Try to Meet All Students’ Needs Within the General Education Program  Public

[PDF] Overview of Special Education in California

Kevin McCarty, Chair Overview of Special Education in California L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E May 5, 2015 LAO 70 YEARS OF SERVICE 1L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E May 5, 2015 LAO 70 YEARS OF SERVICE  Schools First Must Try to Meet All Students’ Needs Within the General Education Program  Public