Results for 서울시 tax

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California Spending Plan 1999-00 Chapter 1

In addition, April final payments on 1998 personal income tax returns substantially exceeded the January budget estimate, indicating that the trend in personal income tax liabiliti es was higher than anticipated in January.

[PDF] Transportation and high-speed rail.

The major sources include (1) excise taxes on gasoline and diesel, (2) sales taxes on diesel, (3) transportation improvement fees (an annual tax paid by vehicle owners), and (4) truck weight fees. The State Constitution restricts these revenues to specified state and local transportation purposes.

[PDF] 1986-87 Budget Analysis: Executive

The Estate Tax is a "pickup" tax which simply tranfers a portion of the federal government's estate tax revenues to California; it does not increase the taxpayer's total tax liability. The taxes become delinquent nine months following the date of an individual's death.

California Tax Expenditures Programs: Sales and Use Taxes Part 5

California Tax Expenditures Programs: Sales and Use Taxes Part 5 NA Description This program exempts from taxation the sale or use of replacement exhibits for a qualified museum, or for a public art display of the state or a local government.

[PDF] 2_Proposition 98 Funding by Segment and Source.indd

2_Proposition 98 Funding by Segment and Source.indd Amount Percent Preschool $507 $664 $885a $220a 33% K-12 Education General Fund $38,162 $43,888 $43,151 -$737 -2% Local property tax 13,736 14,432 16,380 1,947 13 Subtotals ($51,898) ($58,321) ($59,530) ($1,210) (2%) Adult Education Block Grant $25b — $500 $500 — California Community Colleges General Fund $4,223 $4,975 $4,801

[PDF] 2_Proposition 98 Funding by Segment and Source.indd

2_Proposition 98 Funding by Segment and Source.indd Amount Percent Preschool $507 $664 $885a $220a 33% K-12 Education General Fund $38,162 $43,888 $43,151 -$737 -2% Local property tax 13,736 14,432 16,380 1,947 13 Subtotals ($51,898) ($58,321) ($59,530) ($1,210) (2%) Adult Education Block Grant $25b — $500 $500 — California Community Colleges General Fund $4,223 $4,975 $4,801

Cal Facts 2006 State-Local Finance

About one-fifth of county revenues come from local taxes. Counties use tax revenues to pay for public protection and other local programs, as well as paying the required “match” for state and federal programs.