Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] 1952 Budget Analysis: Executive

The increase is due primarily to the proper transfer of recurring items financed during the current year from the contingency fund or from capital outlay to the support item. The amount requested seems in line, if the level of service approved for the current year is to be continued.


Similar assistance to the class-room teacher is given by city sttpervisors, and special services through workshop and publi- cations may be given by college instructors, specialists, and con- sultants in related fields.

[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Control Section

This section permits the Department of Finance to transfer funds from one agency to another when the functions performed by the re- spective agencies are transferred. SECTION 21 of the Budget Bill Recommendation : We recommend approval.

[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Alcohol Beverage Control

This agency has transferred its license issuance workload to the machine reregistration program of the department and is budgeting $12,544 to pay for the function. Previously, this workload was accom- plished by a combination of permanent and temporary help at about the time of the annual renewal date.

[PDF] 1964 Budget Analysis: Department of Justice

The agency has stated it has transferred investigative personnel be- tween offices during the current year to meet workload requirements. However, no specific information has been submitted to indicate any specific backlog of work or other deficiencies in the current \nvestiga- tions assigned to the unit that would justify the positions requested.

[PDF] 1964 Budget Analysis: Local Assistance

We have now been informed by the agency that the claim for prior year's state participation has been paid to the City of San Diego by the State Controller. We recommend approval of the item as budgeted.

[PDF] 1965 Budget Analysis: Justice

The agency also indicates 900 ownerships to be. acquired on one page of the justification submitted and reduces this figure to 850 on a subsequent page. Also the agency appears to be confused as to the number of attorneys working in this area.

[PDF] 1967 Budget Analysis: Industrial Relations

This policy option, if adopted, would transfer the support of the adjudication process in respect to workmen's compensation claims arising out of injuries or death suffered in the course of employment from the state to employers.

[PDF] 1969 Budget Analysis: Health and Welfare

Among these are (1) the transfer of 27.5 positions from the Bureau of Air Sanitation to the Air Re- sources Board of the Resources Agency. This transfer represents a total of $569,446. (2) The absence in the Governor's Budget of Gen- eral Fund support for hospital construction.

[PDF] 1974 Budget Analysis: Tax Assistance

The highest rate per acre is provided for prime agricultural land which is: (1) Within an incorporated city, (2) Within three miles of the boundaries of a city with 1,500 or more registered voters, or (3) Within one mile of the boundaries of a city with less than 1,500 registered yoters. .