Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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Strategies for Improving Child Support Collections In California

Figure shows funding and performance for the ten largest counties. As with the other 48 counties, these counties show a mixed bag in terms of performance. The two higher allocation counties, Alameda and Orange, are performing well and the two lowest funded counties, Los Angeles and San Bernardino, are struggling with their performance.

Fiscal Effect on California: Pending Federal Deficit Reduction Act of 2005

Second, the proposal would shift some nonrelative caregiver cases from federally funded foster care to a program that is state- and county-funded only. These changes would be retroactive to October 1, 2005.

[PDF] Overview of the 2006-07 May Revision

Total receipts through early May are up by nearly $4.5 billion relative to the January forecast, with over three-fourths of the gain related to much stronger-than- expected personal income tax final payments filed in April.

Improving Services for Migrant Students

Our recommended use of carryover funds would allow county and state-level staff to provide districts with training and on-site technical assistance as they develop new district-based MEP services. I t would also help regional centers adjust their staffing levels and scope of services as they transition to the new model.

SANDAG: An Assessment of Its Role in the San Diego Region

Most of these independent districts provide water, waste water treatment, or fire protection services to a limited area of the county. Independent special districts typically have some authority to propose taxes, fees, or assessments to fund their services, but little or no power to regulate the actions of local residents or businesses.

[PDF] Supplemental Report of the 2006 Budget Act

Returns to DPR for use of the real property will be fee title to the lodge and conference facility and payment of rent throughout the term of the contract. Annual rental payments are anticipated to be approximately 5 percent of the gross receipts generated by the lodge concession.

Funding for Transportation: What the New Federal Act Means for California

Federal law allows the state to continue dispersing CMAQ funds to these counties, as the reclassification reflects more of a change in definition than a measurable improvement in the counties’ air quality.

[PDF] Improving Alternative Education in California

Of these, 501 are continuation schools, 56 are community schools, and 294 are district or county administered community day schools (262 district and 32 county). The number of students attending alterna- tive programs also is large.

[PDF] Baldwin Hills Conservancy: Meeting Objectives; More Work to Be Done

Finally, the recent acquisition of a 100-acre parcel adjacent to existing county ball fields holds the promise of further expansion of recreational opportunities in the Baldwin Hills area. COnCLusIOns anD reCOMMenDatIOns The BHC is generally fulfilling its statutory duties.

[PDF] California Travels Financing Our Transportation

In order to spur new local fund- ing for transportation, we recommend that the Legislature adopt guidelines that would set aside a portion of SLP grants for cities and counties that establish new fees or tax measures for local transportation purposes.