Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: Federal Economic Stimulus Package: Fiscal Effect on California

Adoption Assistance Program 97 FMAP relief of 6.2 percent for state/county costs. Foster Care 72 FMAP relief of 6.2 percent for state/county costs. DOR—Vocational Rehabilitation 57 Additional funds to assist disabled individuals obtain and retain employment.

[PDF] California Community Colleges: Raising Fees Could Mitigate Program Cuts and Leverage More Federal Aid

Figure 1 summarizes the features of the federal American Opportunity tax credit (AOTC), Lifetime Learning Credit, and tuition and fee tax deduction. As we note in our Figure 1 Federal Tax Benefits Applied Toward Higher Education Fees 2009 American Opportunity Credit Lifetime Learning Credit Tuition and Fee Deduction • Directly reduces

[PDF] Assessing California's Vison for Higher Education: The Master Plan at 50

Recognizing the sub- stantial public investment in higher education, the Master Plan called for “scrupulous policy planning to realize the maximum value from the tax dollar,” including such strategies as fuller use of facilities and better coordination among edu- cational institutions.

[PDF] 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: California's Cash Flow Crisis

Transportation Defer transfers of $700 million of gas tax revenues to counties and cities for local street and road projects spread over several months beginning in February 2009. Defer $270 million of Proposition 42 transportation payments from April and June 2009 to October 2009.

[PDF] Analysis of Newly Identified Mandates

This includes $4.2 million for prior fi scal years 2000-01 through 2007-08 and $700,000 for 2008-09, based on claims fi led by San Bernardino County. (The identifi ed mandate primarily affects San Ber- nardino and San Luis Obispo Counties, because they are the two counties with a state mental hospital that houses mentally disordered offenders.)

[PDF] MOU Fiscal Analysis: Bargaining Units 16 and 19

The American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) represents Unit 19. ARTWORK #130509 Graphic Sign Off Secretary Analyst Director Deputy 5L e g i s L a t i v e a n a L y s t ’ s O f f i c e August 23, 2013 LAO 70 YEARS OF SERVICE ; Personal Leave Program (PLP).

[PDF] MOU Fiscal Analysis: Bargaining Unit 9

. ; Meal and Lodging Expenses. State employees may be reimbursed for specified costs related to travel and other business expenses. The proposed agreement would increase the maximum reimbursement rates available to Unit 9 employees for costs related to meals and lodging while traveling on state business.

[PDF] MOU Fiscal Analysis: Bargaining Unit 10

.  Meal and Lodging Expenses. State employees may be reimbursed for specifi ed costs related to travel and other business expenses. The proposed agreement would increase the maximum reimbursement rates available to employees for costs related to meals and lodging while traveling on state business.

[PDF] MOU Fiscal Analysis Bargaining Unit 2

The proposed agreement allows the state—with union concurrence—to increase the number of confi dential positions associated with Unit 2.  Meal and Lodging Expenses. The proposed agreement would increase the maximum reimbursement rates available to employees for costs related to meals and lodging while traveling on state business.  Continuous Appropriations.

[PDF] The 2016-17 Budget: Fiscal Impacts of Proposition 47

This is because counties are generally responsible for treating IST individuals accused of misdemeanors, including those whose crimes were reduced from felonies to misdemeanors by the measure. Amount of Annual Savings Deposited in New Special Fund.