Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] 1945-47 Legislative Auditor's Report: Section II

It includes allocating approximately three times the amount of money to the so-called outside counties. It includes the establishment of a full two-way radio system and it includes the all year employmen t of a much larger personnel, about 200 additional.

[PDF] 1945-47 Legislative Auditor's Report: Section III

Federal Activities Affect California Tax Receipts . We also believe that the continuation of high Federal taxes will eventually have a measurable effect upon business and tax receipts to the State of California.

[PDF] 1947 Budget Analysis: State Board of Equalization

The policy now being pursued by the Board makes evasion of the tax profitable. The worst penalty to which an offender is subject is a 25 percent penalty based on the tax recovered. If the auditor oyerlooks any tax, the offender profits by that much money.

[PDF] 1947 Budget Analysis: Department of Natural Resources

For the Purchase of Additional Land and Structures in the Old Business Section of the Town of Columbia, Tuolumne County Item 235, page 44, of the Budget Bill, and page 690 of the Budget. Amount requested, $40,000 from the State Park Fund to 'be used to acquire additional lands and structures in the old business section of the Town of Columbia, Tuolumne County.

[PDF] 1947 Budget Analysis: Department of Professional and Vocational Standards

This decline of $20,000, or 7.4 percent, reflects the expectation that receipts from license fees will be about the same in the 1947-48 Fiscal Year as in 1946-47, but that receipts from admission tax on boxing and wrestling· contests will fall as employment opportunities lessen and inflation reduces the amount of money which the population have for entertainment.

[PDF] 1947 Budget Analysis: Index

For Services of San Francisco Firemen Item 340 for services of City and County of San Francisco firemen, $12,000. We recommend approval of the amount requested. For Construction and Improvement Item 341, for construction and improvements, $50,000.

[PDF] 1948 Budget Analysis: EXECUTIVE

The same source also states that 48 counties and 193 cities are now partici- pating in the, Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Plan. , In view of the large degree of participation thus far achieved and with'most of the groundwork laid, it is not appropriate at this time, to expand the activity.


Fire protection to agricultural land in the counties is done in. the amount of $717,800. This expenditure is completely reimbursed by the counties. 3. Costs for ad)llinistration shows an increl;1seof but $63 over 1947-48 with a reduction of 2.9 man-years due to a transfer to Conserva- tion Education.


Many of .the counties of _ California are organizing their own committees to raise funds for local celebrations. The commis~ion intends to assist them by donating an amount of money equal to the amount collected by these committees, except in the well-populated counties that collect sufficient funds to

[PDF] 1948 Budget Analysis: MISCEllANEOUS

For Refunding of Payments of Taxes, licenses, Fees and Other Receipts from the General Fund Item 355 of the Budget Bill and page 741 of the Budget. The amount requested is $5,000 for refunding of payments of taxes, licenses, fees, and other receipts erroneously paid into the General Fund.