Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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[PDF] Overview of Cal Grants

Has income less than $87,201 (Cal Grant A and Cal Grant C) or $45,801 (Cal Grant B).a A and B Awards High School Entitlement. Must be current high school senior or have graduated from high school within the last year.

[PDF] 1970 Budget Analysis: Local Assistance

Chapter 1371, Statutes of 1968, appropriated a sum of $50,000 for i968-69 and a sum of $300,000 for each of the following two years to . assist school districts to establish high school work experience pro- grams.

The 2020-21 Budget: Debt Service on Infrastructure Bonds

Nov 20, 2019 - In total, we estimate that the amount the state pays for debt service from the General Fund will grow from $5.7  billion in the current year to $6.4  billion in 2023 ‑24. Our projections do not include any additional debt service costs for new bonds that might be authorized by the voters or the Legislature during the forecast period, such as Proposition  13, a $15  billion general obligation bond for schools scheduled for the March  2020 election.

[PDF] LAO 1998 Perspectives and Issues: Perspectives on State Expenditures

Research Does Not Support Longer School Year. The budget proposes to spend $400 million ($350 million in new funds) to extend the school year to 180 days by (1) eliminating current statutory provisions that permit schools to use up to 8 days of the existing 180-day school year

The 2019-20 Budget: California Spending Plan—Transportation

Oct 17, 2019 - Under the budget plan, these three projects will be financed through the Public Buildings Construction Fund, with the financing costs of the bonds being repaid from the MVA over a 25-year period when they are completed (projected for August 2022).

LAO Analysis of the 2002-03 Budget: Education, K-12 Education Introduction

Partially restored a $250  million General Fund reduction for one-time school energy purposes by appropriating $75  million from the reversion account. The Legislature "paid " for these changes with the following two reductions to current-year reversion account appropriations: Deferral of $66.7  million for the School Bus Safety II mandate, pending review of the mandate cost by the State Auditor and the Legislature.

Program elimination

Mar 9, 2012 - The state spends $15 million annually in Proposition 98 funds to provide three cohorts of LEAs a total of about $5 million each year for three years. (A new cohort of about 50 LEAs is funded each year.)

Peace officer use of force. [Ballot]

Oct 12, 2021 - State revenues in excess of the limit, over a two-year period, triggers a requirement for taxpayer rebates and additional school payments. Summary of Fiscal Effects. We estimate that this measure could have the following major fiscal effect on the state and local governments: Increased state and local government costs, which could reach the billions of dollars annually, primarily related to use of body cameras and increased use of force training.

[PDF] Transportation and high-speed rail.

For instance, Proposition 98 (1988) requires the Legislature to provide schools and community colleges a minimum level of funding each year (commonly referred to as the “Proposition 98 minimum guarantee”).

LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: Student Aid Commission (7980)

This substantial growth is largely attributable to the fourth-year phase-in of the High School Entitlement program. Reduce Cal Grant Income Ceilings ($11  Million Savings). The Governor's budget would reduce the Cal Grant A and Cal Grant B income ceilings by 10  percent.