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Results for snohomish county lodging tax in Ballot

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A measure regarding religious organizations and criminal law. [Ballot]

Jun 10, 2015 - Assuming that provisions of the measure can be implemented, there may be some revenue gains for state and local governments due to the removal of tax-exempt status if any religious organizations are found to violate the measure ’s provisions.

State legislator lie detector tests (Amendment No. 1). [Ballot]

Feb 18, 2016 - Legislators ’ “compensation ” would be taxed “as if it is a normal salary for state income tax purposes ” under the measure. Changes to Legislative Rules. The measure states that “the Legislature session shall not adjourn until at least ten days after they have taken at least one vote on every bill introduced in their respective houses. ” It also would change the current September 1 deadline for passing most bills in the even-numbered years to October 1.

Proposition 8 [Ballot]

Nov 6, 2018 - Changes to State Tax Revenues. To the extent the measure ’s rebate provisions operate to reduce the net income of CDC owner/operators, the measure would likely reduce the amount of income taxes that for-profit owner/operators are required to pay to the state.

California Independence in Statewide Elections Act [Ballot]

May 14, 2015 - In its administration of California ’s state income tax, the Franchise Tax Board defines a nonresident to be any individual who is not (1) present in California for other than a temporary or transitory purpose or (2) domiciled in California.

California campaign finance and disclosure laws. (Amendment #2). [Ballot]

Nov 5, 2015 - In addition to these one-time costs, state and county governments would experience increased ongoing costs —possibly millions of dollars annually —to administer and enforce the provisions of this measure.

Proposition 4 [Ballot]

Nov 6, 2018 - The repayment of these bonds is guaranteed by the state ’s general taxing power. The state repays general obligation bonds from the General Fund, the state ’s main operating account. (For more information on the state ’s use of bonds, see “An Overview of State Bond Debt ” later in this guide.)

Proposes a constitutional amendment related to parental rights. [Ballot]

Oct 25, 2017 - Various government agencies enforce these laws, including school districts, county health and welfare agencies, state and local law enforcement agencies, and the California Department of Social Services.

Limiting government powers during a public health emergency. [Ballot]

Nov 4, 2020 - On the other hand, the limits on the state ’s ability to respond could result in more severe public health emergencies, resulting in reduced business activity and tax revenue. In addition, the limits on response activities could mean the state and local governments qualify for less federal disaster assistance funding.

International protocol official in state government. [Ballot]

Sep 16, 2015 - For example, such offices exist in the State of Texas (the Texas Secretary of State serves in this capacity), Los Angeles County, and San Francisco. California ’s Governors have, at times, appointed an individual to serve as the state ’s chief of protocol to help host foreign dignitaries.

Funding for state and local air quality regulatory agencies. [Ballot]

Jan 24, 2020 - In 2019-20, CARB is budgeted at $1.4  billion, which comes from revenues generated by various taxes and fees. Local Air Quality Districts . There are 35 air districts in California. In addition to working with CARB to produce air quality management plans as part of the SIP, air districts are responsible for implementing the plans within their jurisdictions.