Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] California Context for Corinthian Colleges Closure

.  Students are ineligible for loan discharge if they completed their programs, benefi ted from a “teach-out” agreement (whereby the student can complete his or her program through another school), or transferred credits to a similar program.

2007-08: Overview of the Governor’s Budget

The budget package accelerates the transfer of $600 million in tobacco securitization funds to the General Fund. These tobacco funds were originally scheduled to be transferred in 2008 –09 and 2009 –10.

[PDF] The 2005-06 Budget Bil (lSenate Bill 77) as Adopted by the Senate Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review

No “Spillover” Transfer to Mass Transportation. Retains in the General Fund $380 million in spillover revenue resulting from high gasoline prices. This amount would otherwise be transferred to mass transportation purposes.

[PDF] 1986-87 Budget Analysis: Control Sections

Section 11.50 also transfers $22.5 million from the SAFCO to the Roberti- Z'berg-Harris Urban Open-Space and Recreation Program Account. Cur- rent law specifies that an amount equal to $1.50 per capita should be transferred to this account from the SAFCO in 1986-87.

[PDF] 2008-09 Overview of the Governor's Budget

Under the Constitution, however, the Governor is authorized to suspend the an- nual transfer. The administration plans to suspend the 2008-09 transfer—reducing 2008-09 expen- ditures by $1.5 billion by not making the supple- mentary bond payment. sPEcial sEssion— cuRREnt-YEaR savings Under Proposition 58, if the budget’s rev- enues and/or spending substantially

[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Miscellaneous

ITEM 273 of the Budget Bill ANALYSIS This item would authorize temporary transfers from the California Water Fund (formely the Investment Fund) to the General Fund in the event the cash position of the General Fund would require such transfers.

The 2011-12 Budget: Making Targeted Reductions to the Judicial Branch

In view of this, we recommend that the Legislature transfer $100 million to offset the General Fund costs of the trial courts in 2011 –12 on a one time –basis. A separate $50 million could be transferred in 2012 –13.

LAO 2008 Budget Analysis: Funding for Transportation Programs

As a result, later statutes extended the annual transfer of revenues to the TCRF through 2007 –08 and specified repayment of prior –year loans. The sources of repayment are to include revenues from the General Fund and bonds backed by tribal gambling revenue.

[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Fiscal

An amount of $30,000 was transferred. It was generally believed that a greater number of posi- tions would be transferred as a result of the establishment of the Au- ditor General. For example, the Price-Waterhouse Report suggested a somewhat greater reduction in positions in the Audits Division.

[PDF] LAO 1999 Budget Analysis: Transportation Chapter

Of the 30 contracts to be transferred to state staff, 24 are for construc- tion inspection, while six are for design work. In order to accomplish the work planned for the current year, Caltrans estimates a need to hire 222 new full time positions.