Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] The budget proposes to eliminate the Teacher Education program,

The budget proposes to eliminate the Teacher Education program, which is budgeted $419,000 from the General Fund in 1989-90, and transfer the program's funding support to the Graduate Equity Fellow- ship program.

Highlights of the 2005-06 Analysis

State Could Save More on Foreign Prisoner Transfers The Foreign Prisoner Treaty Transfer program has the potential to reduce state incarceration costs by transferring inmates to their country of origin.

[PDF] 05-06_budget_highlights

State Could Save More on Foreign Prisoner Transfers The Foreign Prisoner Treaty Transfer program has the potential to reduce state incarceration costs by transferring inmates to their country of origin.

MOU Fiscal Analysis: Bargaining Unit 5 (Highway Patrol)

Aug 26, 2019 - The five jurisdictions are Los Angeles County and the Cities of Los Angles, Oakland, San Diego, and San Francisco. The statutory comparison predates the state employee collective bargaining process established by the Dills Act.

California's Fiscal Outlook: LAO Projections 2003-04 Through 2008-09

The second is a $996 million shortfall related to the assumed transfer of special funds' contributions to the Public Employees' Retirement System. These transfers are associated with the planned sale of a $1.9 billi on pension obligation bond, which has been invalidated by a Superior Court decision.


The Cadet Corps does not overlap the R.O.T.C. since the Cadet Corps is not permitted to operate in those cities in which R.O.T.C. units are located. DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES For Support of the Department of Motor Vehicles from the Motor Vehicle Fund Item 188, pages 41 and 42 of the Budget Bill and page 515 of the Budget.

[PDF] 1947 Budget Analysis: Department of Justice

This is exemplified by the -fact that 106 cities that formerly reported are not now reporting. Obvi- ously there is a snbsfantial potential of additional 1"eporting which, if fo1"thcoming, will req~~ire a f1.wther sizeable increase in staffing in the f~dt~ro if beneficial results are to follow from the 'reports received.

[PDF] 1965 Budget Analysis: Military

The bulk of this downward change resulted from unfilled positions and reduction of security personnel who were transferred to the federal payroll. The total cost of the function was estimated at $607,250 which materialized at $513,636, the reduction being mainly for the reasons mentioned above.

[PDF] Analysis of the 1988-89 Budget Bill: Summary of Recommendations

The department took over the park in July 1987 under a special operating permit from the county, and has begun negotiating with the county to transfer own- ership of the park to the state. However, the Legislature has not au- thorized the department to acquire Prairie City.

[PDF] 1971 Budget Analysis: General Administration

Augmentation transferred to Item 39 from the ,l\Iotor Vehicle E'und_____________________ 2,049,263 Total _ _ ____ __ _ __ ______ __ ___ ________________ _ ____ _ $25,441,263 The $25,441,263 requested for the budget year is $683,469 or 2.8 per- cent above estimated expenditures .