Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] July 2009 Budget Package

Borrows $1.9 billion of city, county, and special district property taxes. Uses the funds to offset state General Fund spending for education and other programs. Establishes a state-fi nanced loan repayment securiti- zation program to offset the local fi scal effect of the borrowing.

[PDF] 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: Overview of the Governor's Budget

The 2006-07 revenue amount (reflected in the prior-year fund bal- ance) includes $472 million and the 2007-08 revenue amount includes $1.023 billion in General Fund revenues received in those years and transferred to the BSA.

[PDF] MOU Fiscal Analysis: Bargaining Unit 6

.  Per Diem for Duration of Temporary Involuntary Transfer. Under the expired MOU, employees who are temporarily involuntarily transferred receive per diem to cover specifi ed living and commuting expenses for the fi rst 30 days of the temporary assignment.

[PDF] 1947 Budget Analysis: Office of Adjutant General

This is included in the total of $128,446,250 proposed to be transferred from surplus to the Postwar Employ~ent Reserve for augmentation of existing capital outlay appropriations as provided in Section 4 of the Budget Bill.

[PDF] 1951 Budget Analysis: COLORADO RIVER BOARD

In view of the foregoing and in the interest of economy, it is recom- mended that the Legislature consider the advisabilit1J of abolishing the board and transferring the present functions to some other existing agency operating within the City of Eureka or its approximate vicinity.


1951 Budget Analysis: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL WELFARE , Social Welfare - 414- ANALYSIS The reduction in this item is caused by the transfer of costs for engi- neering services performed by the staff of the State Engineer from the budget for State-wide Water Resources Investigations to the support budget of the Water Resources Board.

[PDF] 1951 Budget Analysis: CAPITAL OUTLAY

Traditionally, two structures in the Capital City stand out as symbols of the State Government and the authority and responsibility of those who are its elected officers. These are the Capitol Building and the Executive Mansion.

[PDF] 1952 Budget Analysis: Department of Public Works

This involves no additional positions but, in fact, involves the elimi- nation of one position, that of architectural property analyst which was transferred to the Department of Finance as of January 1, 1952.

[PDF] 1953 Budget Analysis: CONTENTS

Upon appro_ val, the Director of Finance aUov8 transfer of funds to the DiviSion of Architecture for wor.king drawings and construction. 19. '!'he Division ot Arch;1tecture prepares working drawings and advertises tor bidsj'avnrds the c;ontractJ e~pervi8ea cone_ truct10n to completion. (0.)

[PDF] 1955 Budget Analysis: Resources

The. third ,po:sition would :beaccomplishedby the transfer or an ,existing assistant forest technician position, nO,Wi .located 'at the Davis head- quarters, Th,is 'increased, .level. of. service: is . based ion ,the representation that the branch,nurseriesiare>:inefficiently operated':mnder present methods, and that too much nursery stock is lost through lack of super- vision of the inmates, doing :the :;actu:aL'workat:.the branch nurseries.