Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] 1974 Budget Analysis: Debt Service

The actual amounts available will vary from these estimates, depending upon the day-to-day transfer of tax pay- ments, the unpredictable requirements (e.g., availability of federal funds) of some major funds such as the Highway Fund and the changing composi- tion of funds in the Pooled Money Investment Account. .

[PDF] However, the 1980 Budget Bill includes language allowing the

However, the 1980 Budget Bill includes language allowing the transfer of an unspecified amount of the appropriation to the department's support budget for costs relating to state administration of the CJSSP.

[PDF] The 1982-83 Budget: Perspectives and Issues

Some portion of these costs coUld be offset by user fees and charges. . • The California Department of Transportation currently spends over $15 million fortheop~rationand adrriinistration bfinter-city rail serv- ice.

[PDF] We recommend the following language: The Department of Alcohol

We recommend the following language: The Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs (DADP) shall use the $5.5 million transferred from the Department of Corrections' budget to select a limited number of counties to provide drug treatment services to parolees.

[PDF] The 2011-12 Budget: Making Targeted Reductions to the Judicial Branch

In view of this, we recommend that the Legislature transfer $100 million to offset the General Fund costs of the trial courts in 2011-12 on a one time-basis. A separate $50 million could be transferred in 2012-13.

[PDF] The 2011-12 Budget: California Community College Fees

. – Are attempting to transfer or acquire a certificate or degree. • Designed for students who: – Already have a bachelor’s degree. – Carry any unit load. – Seek to transfer or obtain a degree/cer- tificate—or simply upgrade job skills. • Designed for any student not qualifying for a tax credit. • Provides full benefits at adjusted income of up to $160,000 for

[PDF] LAO 1994 Budget Perspectives and Issues: AN OVERVIEW OF STATE EXPENDITURES

Transfer ownership of the Museum of Science and Industry to the County of Los Angeles. ! In conjunction with the state-county restructuring plan, refocus the efforts of state departments on ensuring program accountability and performance at the local level, rather than overseeing counties' day-to- day operations.

[PDF] LAO 1995 Budget Analysis: Business & Labor Chapter

Eliminate the ALRB and Transfer Enforcement of Farm Labor Issues to the PERB. Reduce Item 8300-001-001 by $2,196,000 and Increase Item 8320-001-001 by $1,255,000. Due to a persistent decline in the ALRB workload, we rec- ommend legislation eliminating the board and transferring its duties to the PERB.

[PDF] LAO 1995 Budget Analysis: Higher Education Chapter

Finally, the budget package provided for an “asset transfer” mecha- nism to ensure that sufficient “collateral” was available to back-up the sale of the bonds. Asset transfer involves identifying an asset of sufficient value to support the amount of bonds to be sold.

Analysis of the 1995-96 Budget Bill: Health and Welfare Agency Data Center

Consequently, continuing the HWDC's plan of state ownership carries significant co st implications and risks. Moreover, kiosk technology, like information technology in general, is constantly improving, with the result that every several months or so the cost of the technology relative to performance improves significantly.