Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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2002 Budget Analysis: Capital Outlay, California Conservation Corps (3340)

The CCC operates the Delta Service District Center on a site owned by the California State University (CSU) in the City of Stockton. The CSU is planning to develop the current CCC site as a part of its CSU Stanislaus, Stockton Center site and wants the CCC to vacate the site.

2002 Budget Analysis: Health and Social Services, In-Home Supportive Services

The Governor's budget estimates that an economic recovery beginning in the spring of 2002 will result in revenue growth (excluding transfers) of about 12  percent between 2001-02 and 2002-03. Because revenue growth exceeds the 5  percent threshold, under current law, state participation in a $1 per hour wage increase would be triggered.

2002 Budget Analysis: Transportation, Condition of Transportation Funds

The Director of Finance may authorize the transfer of an amount exceeding the $672  million provided by this item if the Director determines both that (1) the General Fund condition necessitates such a transfer and (2) expenditures from the Traffic Congestion Relief Fund are lower than originally expected and the additional transfer will not negatively affect cash-flow needs of transportation projects.

LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: General Government, Housing and Community Development (2240)

City and County Mandate Does Not Lead To Housing Element Compliance Cities and counties have broad discretion to interpret what level of effort is required by the regional planning mandate. As a result, claim costs vary tremendously by jurisdiction .

LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: General Government, Overview

The decrease is due to the proposed elimination of the VLF "backfill " to cities and counties of revenues lost when the VLF rate was reduced. This elimination is proposed to begin in February 2003, resulting in a savings of approximately $1.3  billion in the current year.

LAO 2003 Budget Analysis: Resources, Secretary for Resources (0540)

The decrease largely reflects the transfer of the authority to spend Proposition  204 bond funds related to the CALFED Bay-Delta Program from the Secretary to the new California Bay Delta Authority. Major budget proposals include (1) $32.4  million (Proposition  50) for the River Parkway and Sierra Nevada Cascade Programs, (2) $12.5  million (Proposition  40) for the River

2004-05 Budget Perspectives and Issues: Mandates: Mounting Liabilities and Need for Reform

For example: The City of Long Beach's Peace Officer Procedural Bill of Rights mandate claims were three times the costs claimed by the Cities of Sacramento, Fresno, and San Jose, combined . K-12 collective bargaining claims from similar size school districts over a five-year period varied by a factor of almost 15.

LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: Public Health

Transfer of Eligibility Work to Counties Would Be More Expensive The 2004-05 budget plan proposes to transfer eligibility determinations for the Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Program to the counties effective January  1,  2005, and to increase funding for the program to address a backlog in processing applications for these benefits.

LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: Overview

In the current year, the Proposition  42 transfer is partially suspended: only $289  million is being made available to transportation, with the remaining $856  million to be transferred for transportation by June 30, 2009.

LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: Adult Corrections

The state’s prison telemedicine program began in 1997 as a pilot project for mental health inmates at Pelican Bay State Prison (Crescent City). The prison’s remote location made it difficult for the department to hire or contract with on-site psychiatrists.