Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Military Department

1960 Budget Analysis: Military Department Item 159 Budget Page Line 437 74 437 72 437 75 437 78 437 76 437 79 437 81 437 69 438 7 Sonoma State Hospital is located at Eldridge, Sonoma County. The institution provides care and treatment for mentally deficient patients.

[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Department of Motor Vehicles

It must be pointed out that $18,000 in each of the fiscal years showp. above is used to defray the costs of providing information to the De- partment of Justice to be used in assisting counties in locating fathers who fail to support their families. .

[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Natural Resources

Counties participating in this plan are Kern, IJos Angeles, Marin, San Mateo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura. The amount requested by the division for payment to the counties under contract is designed to permit the counties to provide the same level of protection on qualifying state-responsibility areas within their individual counties as the State provides on lands to which it is giving direct protection.

[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Public Health

The State reimburses the county for one-half of the treatment cost after the county has furnished the physical facilities. San Francisco has included its alcoholic rehabili- tation clinic, the Adult Guidance Center, in its total psychiatric pro- gram for reimbursement under the Short-Doyle program. 419 Public Health Item 195 Recommendations-Continued It may not

[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Water Resources

"Investigations of complaints of beach condi- tions, furnishing information concerning beach erosion to inter- ested parties, and co-ordination of plans of counties for beach development and erosion controL" j.

[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Local Assistance

The code provides that whenever the parent or guardian of the child is unable to finance necessary care, a designated agency of the county shall request the State to furnish such services. Also, it makes mandatory that each county appropriate not less than one-tenth mill on each dollar of assessed property valuation for the purpose of financing the program.

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Judicial Branch

The funds provided by this item are required to pay the State's share of the judges' salaries when judges of the municipal and justice courts are assigned to the superior courts and to pay the additional salary, when superior court judges are assigned to higher courts or to counties which pay higher judges' salaries than the county supplying the judge.

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Agriculture

At the present time, the bureau is operating with three field supervisors of agricultural pest control, one being stationed in Fresno, covering 12 counties, one . in Sacramento covering 33 counties and one in Los Angeles who super- vises eight counties.

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Industrial Relations

The Santa Rosa area planned to include Lake, Sonoma, and Mendocino counties is now served out of San Francisco and Eureka and the EI Centro area out of San Diego. The two offices are proposed to cover in part the farm problems which are anticipated to rise out of the new agricultural employee work order now in preparation.

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: State Fire Marshal

It is his responsibility to see that state laws are adequately and uniformly enforced in every county. The department provides legal advice and assistance to the various elements of state government, represents the State's interests in litigation, pro- vides leadership and supervision to local law enforcement agencies, and supplies various types of information for their use.