Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] SB840: Single-Payer Health Care System

The Governor’s 2008-09 January budget proposal estimated that county realignment funds designated for health and mental health services would exceed $3 billion in 2008-09, and counties would spend funds from additional sources for health purposes as well.

Assessing UC and CSU Enrollment and Capacity

Jan 19, 2017 - A –G completion rates by county range from a high of 61  percent in Marin to a low of 11  percent in Inyo. Generally, coastal counties in the Bay Area and Southern California have higher rates than the statewide average, whereas less populous and inland counties have lower rates.

[PDF] The 2004-05 Budget Bill, SB 1113, as Amended

Includes new revenues from higher education fees, a two-year suspension of the teachers’ tax credit, tax amnesty, and a two- year rule change related to the use tax on out-of-state purchases of certain items such as yachts and airplanes.

[PDF] The Troy and Alana Pack Patient Safety Act of 2014-Version 2

Lower “take home” pay to workers could contribute to lower taxable retail sales, thereby reducing state and local sales tax revenues. Higher health insurance costs may reduce profits of businesses somewhat, thereby reducing state income tax revenues.

2013 Initiative Analysis: The Troy and Alana Pack Patient Safety Act of 2014-Version 2

Lower “take home ” pay to workers could contribute to lower taxable retail sales, thereby reducing state and local sales tax revenues. Higher health insurance costs may reduce profits of businesses somewhat, thereby reducing state income tax revenues.

The 2018-19 Budget: California Spending Plan (Final Version)

Oct 2, 2018 - This decrease is primarily due additional one ‑time fire ‑fighting costs provided in 2017 ‑18, particularly for the large fires that occurred in Sonoma and Napa Counties in October 2017 and in Ventura County in December 2017.

Proposition 28 [Ballot]

Nov 8, 2022 - The California Constitution requires the state to set aside a minimum amount of state General Fund and local property tax revenue each year (annually) for public schools and community colleges. (The General Fund is the state ’s main operating account, which pays for education, prisons, health care, and other public services.)

[PDF] The President’s Welfare Reform Proposal: Fiscal Effect on California

This change, in conjunction with the fact that nonsubsidized jobs gener- ally will provide more income to recipients than will WORK slots (due largely to differences in how the income disregard-discussed be- low-and the Earned Income Tax Credit are treated), could lead to a significant increase in the incentive for recipients to obtain nonsubsidized jobs.

General obligation bonds for natural resources-related programs and projects. [Ballot]

Aug 22, 2017 - Over three-quarters of th is spending is done at the local level, such as by water districts, cities, and counties. About 80  percent of this local spending is paid for by individuals as ratepayers of water and sewer bills.

Income Tax Withholding Tracker: May 18-May 22 [EconTax Blog]

May 22, 2020 - Income Tax Withholding Tracker: May 18-May 22 [EconTax Blog] Income Tax Withholding Tracker: May 18-May 22 May 22, 2020 Brian Uhler Bottom Line: Income tax withholding this week was 9 percent below the comparable week last year, a comparable drop to the same week during the Great Recession.