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Economy and Taxes (262)
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Results for 서울시 tax in Economy and Taxes

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Statewide Minimum Wage Increasing in January [Publication Details]

Dec 6, 2016 - A new law passed in 2016 (SB 3 [Leno]) will increase California’s statewide minimum wage over a period of several years. The first increase will occur on January 1, 2017.

Income Mobility in California Across Generations

Jan 4, 2017 - Chetty and Hendren used two decades of tax return data from 5 million families to assemble a uniquely rich data set. They measure income using pre–tax income from labor market earnings and capital (for example, from the sale of stocks or bonds), as well as unemployment, social security, and disability benefits.

The Vehicle License Fee and The 2002-03 Budget [Publication Details]

Feb 20, 2002 - We provide a history of the VLF tax reductions and an explanation of the distribution of the revenues. We also answer many common questions regarding the VLF—including information about the insufficient moneys provision in current law.

California's Changing Income Distribution [Publication Details]

Aug 10, 2000 - In recent decades the distribution of adjusted gross income reported on California tax returns has shifted significantly, with the share attributable to the top 20 percent of returns rising and that for the bottom 80 percent falling. We examine the changes in California's income distribution and their causes.

State Fiscal Picture 2003-04 [Publication Details]

Feb 19, 2003 - California faces an unprecedented budget shortfall--roughly one-third of the General Fund budget-- due to an unexpected dramatic decline in state tax receipts combined with ongoing increases in state government costs. The Governor's budget proposal, would eliminate the while its large amount of ongoing savings would also address California's long-term structural imbalance.

Perspectives on State Revenues 2002-03 [Publication Details]

Feb 20, 2002 - The state is facing a major budget shortfall caused largely by an unprecedented decline in tax receipts. Specifically, General Fund revenues are projected to fall by over 14 percent in 2001-02, just two years after the state experienced a more than 23 percent increase. In addition, basic revenue volatility has increased in recent years, giving the revenue forecast greater uncertainty.

Options for Addressing the State's Fiscal Problem [Publication Details]

Jan 1, 1992 - In order to bring revenues and spending into balance on a permanent basis, the Legislature will need to make significant reductions in spending on major programs, as well as reexamine the coverage and structure of the state's tax system. An early start is needed to lay the groundwork for these difficult decisions.

Perspectives on the Economy and Demographics 2005-06 [Publication Details]

Feb 22, 2005 - The California economy is expanding at a healthy pace in early 2005, as evidenced by real estate construction, exports, company reports of sales and profits, and business-related tax receipts. The one area of concern remains jobs, which are lagging due to intense focus on cost cutting and efficiencies.

Additional Options for Addressing the State’s Fiscal Problem [Publication Details]

Feb 18, 2004 - In this piece, we present options for the Legislature's consideration. We have identified expenditures that may be considered of lower priority in tough budget times. It is not that these activities are without merit or not desirable. In better fiscal times we would not necessarily put such options on the table. However, we offer them in the context of a need to solve a massive budget shortfall.

Sales Taxation Of Bunker Fuel [Publication Details]

Jan 25, 2001 - Based on our findings, we recommend that the Legislature remove the existing sunset for the current partial Sales and Use Tax (SUT) exemption for bunker fuel sales, and make the exemption permanent. This action would result in treating bunker fuel sales similarly to other export sales and place California ports on par with other U.S. out-of-state ports.