Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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Recent Changes to State and County IHSS Wage and Benefit Costs [Publication Details]

Dec 14, 2018 - Recent Changes to State and County IHSS Wage and Benefit Costs [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

1999-00 Perspectives and Issues: Major Expenditure Proposals

The combined increase proposed from the Gen eral Fund, local property tax revenues, lottery funds, and net student fee revenues (after accounting for financial aid) is $191 million, which represents a 4.8 percent increase in combined funding.

Income Tax Withholding Tracker: April 20-April 24 [EconTax Blog]

Apr 24, 2020 - Income Tax Withholding Tracker: April 20-April 24 [EconTax Blog] Income Tax Withholding Tracker: April 20-April 24 April 24, 2020 Brian Uhler Bottom Line: Weakness in income tax withholding continued this week, with collections experiencing a slightly steeper decline than they did during the comparable week of the Great Recession.

[PDF] Charity Care Act of 2012

The for-profit hospitals pay corporate income taxes to the state. Nonprofit hospitals are exempt from state corporate income taxes and local sales and property taxes. The tax exemptions are intended to allow nonprofit hospitals to use the funds that would have been paid in taxes to provide patient care, invest in

[PDF] Medi-Cal: Overview and Payment Issues

These include (1) certain expenditures and transfers by counties and other local governments, and (2) health care-related taxes (described on the next page). Medi-Cal Overview: Financing 2015-16 Medi-Cal Funding by Sourcea a As appropriated in 2015-16 Budget Act. 5L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E July 9, 2015 LAO 70 YEARS OF SERVICE  Health Care-Related Taxes.

[PDF] LAO 1994 Budget Analysis: Business & Labor Chapter

LAO 1994 Budget Analysis: Business & Labor Chapter Project 12-unit Project Type Progam/Funding Source HCD $441 $520 Low-interest loans Rental Housing Construction Program/ state General Obligation bonds TCAC 450 524 Tax credits Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program/ federal tax credits CHFA 188 325 Low-interest loans Housing Assistance Trust/

Public sector unions and collective bargaining. [Ballot]

Sep 28, 2021 - Some cities, counties, and special districts have their own retirement boards to administer their plans. Most cities, counties, and special districts have CalPERS or their county retirement systems administer their plans.

Income Tax Withholding Tracker: May 4-May 8 [EconTax Blog]

May 8, 2020 - Income Tax Withholding Tracker: May 4-May 8 [EconTax Blog] Income Tax Withholding Tracker: May 4-May 8 May 8, 2020 Brian Uhler Bottom Line: Income tax withholding unexpectedly surged this week, but cumulative collections since March 23 remain somewhat below last year ’s level.

Related to collecting signatures for initiative petitions and proposing laws in the Legislature. [Ballot]

Sep 4, 2015 - The measure requires the state and county governments to establish an IT system whereby voters may append additional information to their voter registration including their photog raph and a scanned image of their thumbprint.

Insufficient ERAF: Examining a Recent Issue in Local Government Finance [Publication Details]

Dec 18, 2012 - Insufficient ERAF: Examining a Recent Issue in Local Government Finance [Publication Details] Video Description: Over the last two years, an unanticipated funding shortfall in Amador and San Mateo Counties cut city and county reimbursements for two complex state-local financial transactions: the triple flip and VLF swap.