Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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LAO 2004 Budget Analysis:Overview

The caseload projections for 2004-05 take into account the following budget proposals and assumptions that would increase the caseload: (1)  new procedures to help transfer children receiving screening and immunization services under the Child Health and Disability Prevention (CHDP) program into more comprehensive Medi -Cal coverage and (2)  an assumption of rapid growth (6.8  percent) in 2004-05 in the caseload of medically needy aged, blind, and disabled persons.

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: Department of Child Support Services (5175)

Since the CSE contract amendment payment is currently being renegotiated and the cost/benefit analysis of the early system certification will not be available until March  2005, we withhold our recommendation on the proposed transfer of $79  million to FTB.

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: Insufficient Bond Funds to Complete All Higher Education Projects

Figure  3 Recommended Priority for Allocation of Remaining 2004 Bond Funds (In Millions) Recommended for 2004 Bond Funding   Hayward, Seismic Upgrade, Warren Hall $28.9 San Francisco, Medical Sciences Building Improvements, Phase 1 15.3 Riverside, Environmental Health and Safety Expansion 11.0 Santa Cruz, Infrastructure Improvements, Phase 1 7.3 Long Beach, Peterson Hall 3 Replacement 70.7 Citrus

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: Department of Corrections (5240)

State savings would then be gen erated by transferring certain inmates from ASUs to SNYs because the department staffs SNYs like general population facilities—a lower staffing level than ASUs. Expand and Modify THU Program.

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: Local Government Financing (9210)

For example, one-third of the City of Fullerton's most recent claim was for administrative costs. Recommendation. In our view, the state should honor its commitment to current survivors of firefighters and peace officers.

LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: Transportation Overview

In contrast, Proposition 42 transfers were partially suspended in 2003-04 and fully suspended in 2004-05. Additionally, as mentioned earlier, the budget assumes expenditures of $1 billion in tribal gaming bond funds to occur in the current year.

[PDF] Analysis of the 2008-09 Budget Bill, Transportation Chapter

However, in order to spur new local funding for transportation, we propose that the Legislature adopt guidelines that would set aside a portion of the program funding for cities and counties that establish new fees or tax measures for local transportation projects.

2005 Initiative Analysis: Redistricting Reform and Voter Empowerment Act

As a result of the acquisition-based system for real property, properties that change hands less frequently will generally have lower assessed value and have lower taxes than pro perties that change ownership more frequently.

2006 Initiative Analysis: The California Health Insurance Reliability Act

One-Time Transfer of Health Care Reserves. This measure provides that health care monies held in reserve by the state, counties, and cities would be transferred to CHIS if and when it assumed financial responsibility fo r providing health care.

[PDF] Increases in the statewide minimum wage.

As noted earlier, some California cities have raised their minimum wages above the statewide level. In cities with the highest minimum wages, this measure could affect few workers, so the effects in those cities may be small.