Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] Teale Data Center, 284 STRS,I58 Student Aid Commission, 1100

Teale Data Center, 284 STRS,I58 Student Aid Commission, 1100 Subsequent Injuries, Workers' Compensation Beilefitsfor; 1165 Substandard Housing Tax Relief, 1232 Superior Court, Salaries for Judges, Block Grants for Judges, 17 Supreme Court, 5 Tahoe Conservancy, California, 289 Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, 287 Tax Board, Franchise, 112 Tax

[PDF] LAO Major Features of the 1999 California Budget

OTHER TAX REDUCTION PROVISIONS Capital Gains on Small Business Stock The budget adopted by the Legislature removes the sunset provision for the partial income tax exclusion of capital gains on small business stock.

Unclaimed Property: Rethinking the State’s Lost & Found Program

SCO could send potential matches to state tax agencies for cross checking with those agencies ’ records of tax filers. (SCO already coordinates with FTB for pre –escheat notices.) When a tax agency identifies a match, it could augment the tax filer ’s refund or SCO could mail a check to the tax filer at the address the filer identified in their tax return.

[PDF] Fiscal Overview

. • Recent tax collections higher-than-expected. . . . But New Tax Revenues Consumed by Other Budget Related-Factors • One-half of added revenues goes to Proposition 98. • Pension obligation bonds invalidated by Superior Court. • Tribal gaming revenues overestimated. • Major deficiencies in Department of Corrections and Medi-Cal. • Costs for Southern California

[PDF] Budget Package 2002-03

Revenues • Increased revenues of $3.9 billion from tax rate increases, tax expenditure changes, and administrative-related actions. • Key tax provisions include an increase in Vehicle License Fee rate from 0.65 percent to 1.5 percent, two-year suspension of net operating loss deductions, and increased taxes on ciga- rettes of 63 cents per pack (for a total tax of $1.50 per pack). !!!!!

[PDF] Proposition 98

As the figure shows, total General Fund tax revenues for 1990-91 were estimated lastJulyto be $41.4billion, resultingin a Proposi- tion 98 state aid requirement under Test 2 of$17.1 billion (equal to 41.3 percent of General Fund tax revenues).

LAO Analysis of the 1999-00 Budget: Transportation Crosscutting Issues

The account derives its revenues primarily from taxes on gasoline and diesel fuel and from truck weight fees. Funds are used to support Caltrans operations, provide local assistance and fund transportation capital outlay.

2009 Initiative Analysis: Government Spending Limit Act of 2010 [V-2]

In general, government spending subject to the spending limit is equal to all appropriations funded from the "proceeds of taxes, " except for the types of spending that are specifically exempted. Proceeds of taxes include taxes and the portion of fee revenues that are in excess of the cost of providing fee-based services.

[PDF] This high rate of growth in 197fr..77 reflects anticipated

This high rate of growth in 197fr..77 reflects anticipated substantial gains in all three major taxes, with sales taxes up 10.8, percent, personal income taxes up 18.7 percent and bank and corporation taxes up 23.3 percent.

The Governor’s Tax Proposal [Publication Details]

Feb 21, 2007 - The Governor’s Tax Proposal [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.