Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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The 2020-21 Budget: California Student Aid Commission

Feb 27, 2020 - The state provided $5.5 million for the first year of the project in 2018‑19 and $6.2 million for the second year of the project in 2019‑20. The Governor’s budget for 2020‑21 includes $5.3 million one‑time General Fund to (1) complete the project and (2) support the initial costs of the maintenance and operations phase, which will begin upon project completion.


Federal funds for this purpose have been: 1946-47 Fiscal Year ($300,000 of which was for equipment) ______ $3,059,321 1947-48 Fiscal Year __________________ ._______________________ 2,052,261 1948-49 Fiscal Year (as of January, 1949, records) ______________ 2,234,556 No federal appropriation has yet been made for this purpose for the 1949-50

[PDF] 1954 Budget Analysis: STATE FIRE MARSHAL

The estimated work load figures for the 1954-55 Fiscal Year supplied by the Fire Marshal indi- cate that approximately 16 percent of the total effort of that agency is expended in behalf of public and private schools for field inspection and engineering work in. connection with plans.

[PDF] 1947 Budget Analysis: SECTION II

See Charts No.8, page 25, and No. 14, page 37, in the above publication by Dean C. E. Partch of the School of Education, Rutgers University, published July, 1946. The total number of veterans in training July 1, 1946, has already reached 1,024,281 in the United States which greatly accelerated the rate previously predicted.

[PDF] Proposed 25 percent reduction in rental costs

Proposed 25 percent reduction in rental costs by eliminating redundant local field offices in California, with an initial $5 million reduction in 2016-17 and growing in future years. Office Space Strategic Plan SRL.

[PDF] "Authorized or King James Textbook"

In order for a parent to exercise this right, however, the local school district would have to notify the parent of their right to opt out and would thus incur notification costs. We estimate that first-year costs statewide to the state and/or school districts could range from tens of millions of dollars up to $200 million, and annual costs thereafter could be in the low millions to tens of millions of dollars.

The 2017-18 Budget: An Overview of the Governor's Proposition 56 Proposals

Feb 22, 2017 - Taken at face value, voter approval of Proposition 56 arguably demonstrates a desire to increase funding to Medi‑Cal beyond year‑to‑year growth in the program absent policy changes. The Governor’s proposal, by contrast, uses the new revenues to pay for typical year‑to‑year cost increases in Medi‑Cal.

December 2021 Jobs Report [EconTax Blog]

Jan 24, 2022 - California ’s growth accounted for 25 percent of the national estimate of 199,000 net jobs gained in December, more than twice its share of the U.S. labor market (11.6 percent of the nation ’s total payroll jobs).

[PDF] Homeowners’ and renters’ tax relief.

This measure would result in the following major fiscal impacts:  Reduction in state revenue of roughly $4 billion per year.  Likely a reduction in funding for schools and community colleges of roughly $2 billion in most years.

[PDF] 1963 Budget Analysis: Public Works

It is anticipated that the workload occasioned by the construction of new public schools will continue at about the same level as in the past few years. A new schedule of fees provided by the Statutes of 1961 will gradually eliminate the relatively small deficit that the Architecture Public Building Fund has developed.