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[PDF] LAO 1999 Budget Analysis: Judiciary & Criminal Justice Chapter

The local share will be further split between the counties and specified cities. Under the terms of the MOU, the state’s 58 counties will receive 90 percent of the local share, or $11.25 billion. These monies will be dis- tributed to the counties based on population.

LAO Analysis of the 1999-00 Budget Bill Criminal Justice Departmental Issues 2

Legislation Increased Fees Counties Pay for the Youth Authority Effective January 1, 1997, counties are charged new and higher fees for their commitments of juvenile offenders to the Youth Authority.

LAO Analysis of the 1999-00 Budget Bill Criminal Justice Departmental Issues 3

These local agencies are found in 43 counties representing 25  percent of the state's population. The remaining jurisdictions maintain their own forensic labs at their own expense and are generally ineligible for state forensic lab services.

[PDF] LAO 1999 Budget Analysis: Education Chapter

As shown in Figure 4 (see next page), emer- gency permit teachers account for 38 percent of all teachers in Compton Unified School District (Los Angeles County) and 21 percent in Reef- Sunset Unified School District (Kings County).

LAO Analysis of the 1999-00 Budget Bill Education Crosscutting Issues

LAO Analysis of the 1999-00 Budget Bill Education Crosscutting Issues $1,009.4 4.6% a Local revenue is from local property taxes and is included to show the full amount provided for revenue limits. bTotals may not add due to rounding.

LAO Analysis of the 1999-00 Budget Bill General Government Departmental Issues 3

Chapter  91, Statutes of 1997 (SB 584, O'Connell) provides that additional veterans' homes are to be established in the future in Lancaster in Los Angeles County and near the community of Saticoy in Ventura County.

LAO Analysis of the 1999-00 Budget Bill Health and Social Services Crosscutting Issues

Th e bureau uses federal tax return information, which tends to have a significant lag, to track population movement between states. The DOF, however, uses more recent drivers' licens e information to estimate net migration for California.

LAO Analysis of the 1999-00 Budget Bill Health and Social Services Departmental 2 Issues

In addition, the department collects taxes and pays benefits under the UI and DI Programs. The department collects from employers (1)  their UI contributions, (2)  the Employment Training Tax, and (3)  employee contributions for DI.

LAO Analysis of the 1999-00 Budget Bill Health and Social Services Departmental 3Issues

Current state law prohibits passing the federal penalty onto Los Angeles County because the county has implemented its component of the statewide automation system. The budget proposes to pass Los Angeles County's proportional "share" of the penalty onto the other counties rather than the state.

LAO Analysis of the 1999-00 Budget Bill Health and Social Services Crosscutting Issues

CalWORKs County Incentive Payments Should Be Related to Improved Program Performance The budget includes $545  million in 1998-99 and $479  million in 1999-00 for performance incentive payments to the counties.