Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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2000 Budget Analysis: General Govt Depts #4

Chapter 5, Statutes of 1996 (SB 1313, Mountjoy) requires county registrars of voters to periodically verify the residence of voters and remove from the rolls those who have moved o utside that county.

2000 Budget Analysis: General Govt Depts #5

Funding in the Military Department's budget was desig nated for the use of National Guard armories as homeless shelters in those counties which have available armories. For those counties without an available armory, funding was made available through HCD to each county government for alternative sites.

2000 Budget Analysis: H&SS; DCSS 5175

Included a mong the changes are the creation of a new state Department of Child Support Services; the transfer of local administration from the county DAs to separate county child support age ncies; and the transfer of responsibility for procurement of the automation system from the state Health and Human Services Agency Data Center to the Franchise Tax Board.

2000 Budget Analysis: H&SS; Kin-GAP

The pro gram is supported by the state General Fund, federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) block grant funds, and county funds. Enrollment in Kin-GAP Program Not Automatic. Movement to Kin-GAP is not automatic.

2000 Budget Analysis: H&SS; Foster Care

County welfare departments have the responsibility of placing children in foster hom es. Children in the foster care system can be placed in either a foster family home (FFH) or a foster care group home (GH).

2000 Budget Analysis: H&SS; CC Child Care

In Stage 1, county welfare departments (CWDs) refer families to resource and referral agencies to assist them with f inding child care providers. Stage 2. Families transfer to Stage 2 when the county determines that the families' situations become "stable"--that is, they develop a welfare-to-work plan and find a child care arrangeme nt.

2000 Budget Analysis: H&SS; DADP 4200

In April 1999, the department allocated nearly $5 million in Adolescent Treatment Program (ATP) grants to 20 counties. The funding is ongoing and included in the budget for 2000-01. The department indicates that it intends to develop an adolescent trea tment system based on the findings from the participating counties on the most appropriate and effective services.

Highlights of the 2000-01 Analysis and P&I

CalWORKs County Performance Incentive System Should Be Changed Under the current California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) program, counties receive state payments, or performance incentives, based primarily on savings resulting from recipients who (1) leave the program due to employment or (2) have increased earnings.

2000 Budget Analysis: CA Coastal Comm_3720

This would allow one enforcement officer to be assigned to each of the commission's six districts, with a second enforcement officer assigned to the South Central district (covering Santa Barbara, Ventura, and western Los Angeles Counties ), which has the highest number of violations.

2000 Budget Analysis: Water Resources_3860

The proposed expenditures are to complete a preliminary investigation of the water supply benefits, costs, and impacts of operational changes to hydroelectric power facilities, in cluding Lake Almanor (the largest hydropower facility in the state, located in Plumas County) and a number of smaller facilities.