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2000 Budget Analysis: Transportation Overview

In order to provide additional state funds for highway and mass transportation programs, the legislation increased the tax on motor vehicle fuel (gaso line and diesel) and truck weight fees as well as authorized specific bond measures.

2001 Budget Analysis: P&I, Part 4a

Among some of the more important of these over the past de cade have been the realignment of state and county health-related responsibilities in 1991-92, the imposition of additional cigarette and tobacco taxes due to Proposition 10 (1998) , and the manner in which available resources have been allocated between spending priorities and tax relief.

2001 Budget Analysis: Capital Outlay, Department of Motor Vehicles (2740)

Of this amount, $600,000 is proposed from the State Highway Account of the State Transportation Fund (STF), $5 .5 million from the STF Motor Vehicle Account, and $4 million from the Motor Vehicle License Fee Account of the Transportation Tax Fund.

2001 Budget Analysis: Capital Outlay, Department of Food and Agriculture (8570)

The Governor's budget includes $11.2 million to construct a new agricultural inspection station on property near the existing California Highway Patrol truck inspection station in Truckee, Placer County.

2001 Budget Analysis: Capital Outlay, Office of Emergency Services

The Governor's budget includes a request for $1.3 million from the General Fund for site acquisition and preliminary plans to construct warehouse, laboratory, and shop space at the department's new headquarters in east Sacramento County.

2001 Budget Analysis: Capital Outlay, Department of General Services

The department has since determined that the tax-exempt status of the lease-payment bonds may be jeopardized because the project parking garage may be used for private purp oses after normal business hours and such use could result in the project exceeding the amount of private use of the facilities permitted by Internal Revenue Service regulations.

2001 Budget Analysis Overview

In the area of trial court funding, the budget also proposes expanded support for court security ($22.5 million), the increased cost of county-provided services which the state is now obligated to pay ($8.1 million), additional family and children services ($10 million), and a variety of smaller program increases.

2001 Budget Analysis: Overview

In recognition of shifts in property taxes to K-14 schools from cities, counties, and special district s, the current rate is approximately 34.5 percent. Test 2 —Adjustments Based on Statewide Income Prior-year funding adjusted by growth in per capita personal income.

2001 Budget Analysis:K-14 Education Priorities Proposition 98

By setting his appropriations total at Proposition 98's "test 2" amount —a combined total of $46.4 billion from the General Fund and local property tax allocations to school and community college districts —the Governor's budget not only meets COLA, enrollment growth and annualization needs, but provides resources for further K-14 initiatives.

2001 Budget Analysis: K-12 Ed Introduction

In November 2000, the administration reached a settlement agreement with school districts and county offices of education (referred to as local educational agencies [LEAs]) that ha d filed claims for the cost of certain special education programs.