Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] Fair Tax Initiative

MAJOR PROVISIONS OF THE INITIATIVE General Provisions Relating to State Government Elimination of Certain Existing State Taxes. California currently levies a variety of state-level taxes, including the personal income tax, bank and corporation franchise and income taxes, sales and use taxes, gross premiums insurance tax, and various excise taxes.

"Studen Charter Act"

The measure would also impose costs on various state departments (such as the State Department of Education, the State Controller, and the Franchise Tax Board) to administer its provisions (such as tracking student test scores and processing and auditing grant claims).

[PDF] Student Charter Act

The measure would also impose costs on various state departments (such as the State Department of Education, the State Controller, and the Franchise Tax Board) to administer its provisions (such as tracking student test scores and processing and auditing grant claims).

"Keeping the Promise Initiative"

This measure's fiscal impact, therefore, is the difference between the total revenue loss (from both this measure and the existing tax relief provisions) and the revenue loss from only the existing tax relief.

[PDF] O:WILInitiatives999990048_INT.PDF

This measure’s fiscal impact, therefore, is the difference between the total revenue loss (from both this measure and the existing tax relief provisions) and the revenue loss from only the existing tax relief.

1999 Initiative Analysis: The Majority Rule Amendment for Smaller Classes, Safer Schools and Financial Accountability

Background The Constitution currently limits the amount of any ad valorem tax on real property to 1  percent of the full cash value of the property. This amount can be higher to pay for any indebtedness approved by the voters in the local jurisdiction prior to July 1, 1978, and c ertain bonded indebtedness approved by two-thirds of the voters voting on a local proposition on or after July 1, 1978.

[PDF] "The Majority Rule Amendment for Smaller Classes, Safer Schools and Financial Accountability"

BACKGROUND The Constitution currently limits the amount of any ad valorem tax on real property to 1 percent of the full cash value of the property. This amount can be higher to pay for any indebtedness approved by the voters in the local jurisdiction prior to July 1, 1978, and certain bonded indebtedness approved by two-thirds of the voters voting on a local proposition on or after July 1, 1978.

1999 Initiative Analysis: School Choice Amendment

For the public K-12 schools, the measure would guarantee a per-pupil amount that is at least equal to the amount provided in the prior fiscal year from the General Fund and local property tax revenue, and in no case less than $6,173.

[PDF] "School Choice Amendment"

For the public K-12 schools, the measure would guarantee a per-pupil amount that is at least equal to the amount provided in the prior fiscal year from the General Fund and local property tax revenue, and in no case less than $6,173.

1999 Initiative Analysis: After School Education and Gang Prevention Act

Proposal This measure: Increases--beginning July 1, 2001--the sales tax by 0.1  percentage point and the use tax by 0.1  percentage point. Appropriates the funds from these tax increases for grants to public and nonprofit agencies for after-school enrichment programs and for gang risk-prevention programs.