Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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California's Fiscal Outlook: LAO Projections, 2001-02 Through 2006-07 [Publication Details]

Nov 14, 2001 - California will end 2001-02 with a deficit of $4.5 billion, while the 2002-03 budget year faces a shortfall of $12.4 billion and potentially even more if the recovery we are assuming for next spring is delayed. Annual budget shortfalls will persist well beyond 2002-03 absent corrective actions.

Supplemental Report of the 2001 Budget Act: 2001-02 Fiscal Year [Publication Details]

Jul 30, 2001 - Supplemental Report of the 2001 Budget Act: 2001-02 Fiscal Year [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

Letter on the General Fund's Projected Condition [Publication Details]

May 9, 2001 - We estimate that General Fund revenues will be $3.4 billion less than estimated by the Governor for the current and budget years combined. In addition, we discuss the amount of one-time and ongoing spending reductions that would be needed to keep the budget in balance and the fiscal implications of funding Proposition 98 under our updated estimates.

A New Blueprint for California School Facility Finance [Publication Details]

May 1, 2001 - A New Blueprint for California School Facility Finance [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

Perspectives on State Revenues 2001-02 [Publication Details]

Feb 21, 2001 - Perspectives on State Revenues 2001-02 [Publication Details] Description: Strong economic growth through the end of 2000 is significantly boosting revenues in the current year. However, an economic slowdown in 2001 will depress revenues in the budget year.

Professional Development For K-12 Teachers [Publication Details]

Feb 21, 2001 - The Governor proposes a greatly expanded effort over the next three years to train nearly all the state's K-12 teachers. We recommend an approach that better accounts for existing programs and provides a more realistic implementation time frame, while saving $235 million in 2001-02

Disadvantaged Schools Block Grant [Publication Details]

Feb 21, 2001 - Disadvantaged Schools Block Grant [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

Implementing the California Infrastructure Plan [Publication Details]

Feb 21, 2001 - Beginning in the 2002-03 budget year the Governor is required to submit to the Legislature a California Infrastructure Plan. We recommend the Legislature hold hearings and develop requirements for information it needs to have included in the plan about departments' strategic plans, priorities, and projects.

Funding Higher Education Capital Outlay [Publication Details]

Feb 21, 2001 - We recommend the Legislature provide funding for higher education capital outlay based on statewide priorities and criteria, using reasonable construction cost guidelines, and on the basis of year-round operations.

Foster Care [Publication Details]

Feb 21, 2001 - Longer stays in foster care adversely impact children by reducing the time they spend in a permanent living situation. We recommend enactment of legislation to conduct a three-year pilot project whereby the treatment rates of foster family agency homes would incrementally decrease over time.