Results for 서울시 tax

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Options for Modifying State Tax Expenditure Programs, (June 1982) 112 pages. The Governor's Budget for 1982-83 proposed to "spend" $9.7 bi 11 ion in General Fund monies through the use of special tax law provisions or tax expenditures.

2008 Initiative Analysis: The Inalienable Rights Enforcement Initiative

To the extent this occurs it will also result in a decrease in revenue collected from current SUT and excise taxes on alcohol and tobacco products. There could be an unknown but potentially significant decrease in revenue to the General Fund where alcohol excise tax revenues and a portion of the cigarette excise tax revenues as well as SUT on both of these products are deposited.

[PDF] 2000 Budget Perspectives and Issues: State Fiscal Picture

In particular, it does not incorporate the over 35 percent increase in year-end personal income tax estimated payments which suggests that the trend in personal income tax revenues is well above the budget forecast.

[PDF] 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: Overview of the Governor's Budget

Tax Package Differences. The plans differ most in their package of tax increases. The Governor’s budget focuses on increases in the sales tax—1.5 cents in the rate and the addition of services to the tax base.

2000 Budget Analysis: General Government Depts #3

FRANCHISE TAX BOARD (1730) The Franchise Tax Board (FTB) is one of the state's major tax collecting agencies. The board's primary responsibility is to administer California's Personal Income Tax and Ba nk and Corporation Tax laws.

California's Tax System: A Primer [Publication Details]

Jan 18, 2001 - California's Tax System: A Primer [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

Estimating the CalWORKs Take-Up Rate

Feb 2, 2021 - More recently, the state allocated $2  million in 2016 ‑17 and 2017 ‑18 to improve awareness and take-up of the California Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), which provides money to low-income workers.

Overview of the Governor’s December 2010 Special Session Proposals [Publication Details]

Dec 7, 2010 - Under the proposal, the fuel tax revenues that would have helped the General Fund prior to Proposition 22 would now be available for transportation programs. Reports by Policy Area

Evaluating California’s System for Serving Infants and Toddlers With Special Needs

Jan 4, 2018 - These 61 p rograms were funded by local property tax revenue and established at the discretion of local school administrators. Following the passage of Proposition  13, schools across the state experienced significant reductions in property tax revenue and began eliminating some locally funded programs.

The 2012-13 Budget: California Spending Plan

Spending Plan Assumes Voters Approve Proposition 30 The Governor ’s proposed tax initiative (Proposition 30) would temporarily increase the state sales and use tax (SUT) rate for all taxpayers and the personal income tax (PIT) rates for upper –income taxpayers.