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LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: Health and Social Services, Department of Child Support Services (5175)

Initiative Funding Levels Set Through Individual County Allocations. Independent of the budgeting process, DCSS develops the amount of the available administrative funding that it recommends counties spend on their various initiatives.

LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: Health and Social Services, In-Home Supportive Services

This decrease is attributable to the Governor's proposal to realign the IHSS program to the counties. (The $16  million General Fund cost for 2003-04 is for automation improvements and one-time costs to make certain individuals federally eligible for PCSP.)

LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: Health and Social Services, Foster Care

Children are eligible for foster care grants if they are living with a foster care provider u nder a court order or a voluntary agreement between the child's parent and a county welfare department. The California Department of Social Services (DSS) provides oversight for th e county-administered foster care system.

LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: Health and Social Services, Adoptions Programs

Adoptions services are prov ided through state district offices, 28 county adoptions agencies, and a variety of private agencies. Counties may choose to operate the Adoptions Program or turn the program over to the state for administration.

LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: Health and Social Services, Food Stamps Program

Governor's Realignment Proposal Would Shift CFAP Costs to Counties. As part of the budget's realignment proposal, the Governor proposes to shift the entire CFAP costs to the counties effective July 1, 2003.

LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: Health and Social Services, Overview

General Fund spending for In-Home Supportive Services, Foster Care, and th e Child Welfare Services programs would have increased but for the proposal to shift program responsibilities and funding to counties.

LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: Health and Social Services, California Medical Assistance Program (4260)

Our analysis also indicates that the cost of Medi-Cal eligibility administration varies significantly from county to county, even for seemingly comparable counties. The average cost per eligible for the five counties with the largest Medi-Cal caseloads ranges from a high of $353 in San Diego County to a low of $181 in Los Angeles County.

LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: Health and Social Services, Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board (4280)

As part of a larger proposal for realignment of state and county funding and program responsibilities, an amount of funding equivalent to the current-y ear allocations for these two programs —about $13.4  million —would be shifted to counties to provide these public health services.

LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: Health and Social Services, Developmental Services (4300)

The three RCs chosen to conduct the pilot projects were Tri-Counties RC, Eastern Los Angeles RC, and Redwood Coast RC. The projects commenced operation in the spring of 1999. Kern RC and San Diego RC subsequently submitted proposals to conduct pilot projects and were approved.

LAO 2003 Budget Analysis: Resources, Department of Pesticide Regulation (3930)

Although current law does not provide a higher registration fee for restricted materials, we find that the process to register a rest ricted material requires significantly more staff time than other pesticides, both at the state and County Agriculture Commissioner (CAC) level.