Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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2004 Recommended Legislation Criminal Justice

Because the countie s pay for a large share of the costs of these less serious wards, the counties should have a role in determining the optimal length of stay for the wards, rather then leaving the d ecision solely to the YAB.

[PDF] Assessing the Provision of Criminal Indigent Defense

California law authorizes counties to establish a public defender office to provide representation within the county. Currently, as shown in Figure 1, 34 of the 58 counties have chosen to establish public defender offices.

The 2016-17 Budget: California Spending Plan

Oct 5, 2016 - The primary factor explaining the growth in property tax revenue is the strong 6.2  percent increase in assessed property values. In addition, the budget plan assumes property tax revenue increases by $419  million due to the triple flip ending, thereby completing the shift of revenue from cities, counties, and special districts to school districts and community colleges.

LAO 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: General Government: Secretary of State

Costs counties incur for operating polling places and counting ballots also have been reimbursed in the past, although the state is not obligated to reimburse counties for these special election costs under current law.

The 2017-18 Budget: California Competes Tax Credit

Feb 27, 2017 - The first businesses that negotiated California Competes tax credit agreements with GO-Biz in 2014 were allowed to claim tax credits against their 2014 tax year income tax liability (provided they achieved their hiring and investment targets).

[PDF] Analysis of Newly Identified Mandates

Lastly, Chapter 90 requires counties to offer IHSS recipients the option of hiring an individual provider in addition to the counties’ estab- lished mode of service delivery. Counties can decide to deliver IHSS through an indi- vidual provider, agency, or county worker mode.

[PDF] LAO 2002 Budget Analysis: Resources Chapter

These work plans are negotiated individually with each county and tailored to strengthen the weakest parts of the county program. The work plans are used by DPR regional staff to monitor county enforcement activities.

2000 Recommended Legislation Criminal Justice

Because the counties pay for a large share of the costs of these less serious wards, the counties should have a role in determining the optimal length of stay for the wards, rather than le aving the decision solely to the YOPB.

2001 Budget Analysis:New Tobacco Settlement Fund

It was originally estimated th at California would receive about $25 billion over 25 years, with $12.5 billion going to the counties and $12.5 billion to the state. Since that time, however, the estimated amount the state and counties would receive has decreased due to a provision in the settlement agreement that reduces payments in accordance with a decline in tobacco sales.

[PDF] Landfills

Local governments, generally cities and counties, are responsible for the collection and disposal of solid waste. In general, they either provide these services directly or by contracting with a private entity (such as a waste hauler).