Results for 서울시 tax

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LAO Health and Human Services

Despite annual costs exceeding revenues in the fifth year, the program still has a positive cumulative fund balance because the collection of tobacco tax and employer fees start before program costs are incurred.

LAO Publications

LAO Publications Video May 17, 2013 - In the May Revision, the administration forecasts that weaker tax collections in the coming months will erode the vast majority of the $4.5 billion of unexpected tax revenues colle cted since January.

[PDF] School District Equalization Tax-This

School District Equalization Tax-This tax equalizes for basic aid districts a portion-reaching a maximum of 20 percent in 1980-81-of those expenditures above the foundation program level. 6. Minimum Tax-All districts are required to levy a minimum tax rate of $1.00 for elementary school districts, $.80 for high school districts, and $1.80 for unified school districts. 7.

LAO 2003 Budget Analysis: Resources, Timber Harvest Fees

Such a fee could be collected using the existing timber tax collection system in which timber owners are required to report each quarter the value of timber harvested to the State Board Of Equalization (BOE) for payment of timber yield taxes, based on the value of the harvested timber.

[PDF] 1949 Budget Analysis: EMERGENCY FUND

We recommend that the amottnt reqttested be allowed, and that appropriate legislation be passed to limit the amount of intere-st which may be paid on overpayment of the Gross Premi1tm'S Insurance Tax to 6 pm'cent.

Taxes on gasoline and other motor fuels are the

Taxes on gasoline and other motor fuels are the major source of revenue for highway construction and maintenance, and for mass transit. With fuel use flat, increasing funds for tra nsportation has required increasing the tax rate per gallon of fuel.

[PDF] California voters directing the California Legislature to apply for a constitutional convention pursuant to Article V of the U.S. Constitution.

With regard to taxes, the measure proposes amendments to make federal taxes negotiable by states.  Nature. The measure proposes amendments to expand the rights of nature. Amendments would extend many of the rights of individuals to nature.

[PDF] The 2020-21 Budget: California’s Fiscal Outlook

Importantly, this scenario assumes the federal government approves the managed care organization (MCO) tax and the state faces no major disasters over the next few years . (The MCO tax offsets General Fund costs in Medi-Cal but it requires federal approval .) • Ongoing Surplus Drops Below $1 Billion in Alternative Expenditure Scenario.

1997-98 Budget Analysis, General Government Departments Crosscutting Issues

Based on board priorities for tax compliance, certain accounts receive 100 percent audit coverage over the three-year audit cycle, while other types of accounts can receive, less than 2 percent coverage over the audit cycle.

[PDF] Highlights of the 2005-06 Perspectives & Issues

PART III—PERSPECTIVES ON STATE REVENUES The current strength in the economy is translating into solid growth in receipts from the state’s taxes—particularly the corporate tax and personal income tax.