Results for irish state pension

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A Review of the Teacher Layoff Process in California [Publication Details]

Mar 22, 2012 - For our analysis, we distributed a survey to all public school districts in the state asking them about their implementation of the teacher layoff process, used information provided by two state agencies--the California Department of Education (CDE) and the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH)--and included information from the California Teachers Association (CTA).

The 2012-13 Budget: In-Home Supportive Services Budget Update [Publication Details]

Mar 19, 2012 - The second alternative is to consider reenacting a reduction in state participation in provider wages to a level, determined by a study, that does not impact recipient access to services. Reports by Policy Area

Project initiation documents (PIDs).

Mar 15, 2012 - State law requires a PID be completed before a project can be programmed for funding in the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), which is a four-year program for expa nding the capacity of state highways.

The California Case Management System [Publication Details]

Mar 14, 2012 - Presented to: Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 4 on State Administration Hon. Joan Buchanan, Chair Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 5 on Public Safety Hon. Gilbert Cedillo, Chair

State Has Two Child Care and Development Systems [Publication Details]

Mar 14, 2012 - State Has Two Child Care and Development Systems [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

IHSS Budget Update

Mar 13, 2012 - The state is currently awaiting federal approval of this change. Additional Federal Funding Through Affordable Care Act. As part of the 2011-12 budget, it was assumed that the state would qualify for additional federal funding available to states under the federal Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Non-Education Mandates and the 2012-13 State Budget [Publication Details]

Mar 13, 2012 - Non-Education Mandates and the 2012-13 State Budget [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

Oversight of centers

Mar 12, 2012 - In order to ascertain whether the centers were achieving their stated goals, the Legislature requested in 2005 that the Bureau of State Audits ( BSA ) review CDE 's administration of the program. The BSA audit found numerous deficiencies and concluded that the department did not  know how the program was performing.

Eliminating non-Proposition 98 funding for select education programs

Mar 12, 2012 - In 2011-12, the state is providing about  $8.1 million in General Fund support for the AVID program.   Governor Proposes to Eliminate State Funding. The  Governor proposes to  eliminate the $8.1 million appropriation  for AVID.

Program elimination

Mar 9, 2012 - As part of the 2011-12 budget package, the state eliminated the DMH , and currently is in the process of shifting administration and funding for all DMH programs to other state agencies. Correspondingly, responsibility for the EMHI program would shift to the California Department of Education ( CDE ).