Results for homelessness

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[PDF] 160354.indd

160354.indd Spending Plans for Jail Construction Funding: Details of Each Plan Proposal Governor Senate Assembly County jail construction $250,000,000 — — Implicit bias training for law enforcement — $5,000,000 $5,000,000 Underground Scholars—support for formerly incarcerated students at University of California, Berkeley — 500,000 500,000 Community infrastructure grants — 100,000,000 50,000,000

[PDF] Overview of Recent State and Federal Funding for Schools

Also includes $302 million to support students with disabilities and $99 million for homeless students. $20,002 Instruction and expanded learning grants Covers a portion of costs associated with In-Person Instruction and Expanded Learning Opportunities Grants, adopted in Chapter 10 of 2021 (AB 86, Committee on Budget). 2,015 Expanded learning Provides temporary rate and slot

[PDF] Supplemental Report of the 2019-20 Budget Act

The following data shall be included, as available and applicable, for new households that include both SSI and non-SSI recipients; continuing households that include both SSI and non- SSI recipients; and new households that include only SSI recipients: (1) number of approved and denied CalFresh applications from households, (2) primary reasons for denial, (3) method of application submission,

[PDF] Overview of the Legislature’s 2020-21 Budget Package

Mitchell, Chair P R E S E N T E D T O : L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E Overview of the Legislature’s 2020-21 Budget Package J U N E 1 2 , 2 0 2 0 Text Margins Left align medium figures and tables here Large figure margin Large figure margin L E G I S L AT I V E A N A LY S T ’ S O F F I C E 1 Major Spending-Related Changes Major Spending-Related Changes in the Legislative

[PDF] Overview of Legislature’s Budget Package

. „ Provides discretionary funding for homelessness services at the local level over multiple fiscal years. „ Phases in implementation of developmental services rate study, provides additional funding for public health infrastructure, and lowers age eligibility for Medi-Cal expansion. „ Sets aside funds to prepay bond debt service. „ Provides substantially larger augmentations for student financial aid programs.

[PDF] LAO Major Features of the 1999 California Budget

The budget includes $10 million from the General Fund to provide grants to counties for training and integrated services to severely mentally ill adults at risk of homelessness or incarceration. CALIFORNIA WORK OPPORTUNITY AND RESPONSIBILITY TO KIDS (CALWORKS) CalWORKs Budget Reflects Current Law.

California Spending Plan 2005-06

Also, some Proposition  63 funding was allocated for efforts to assist the homeless mentally ill. State Hospitals. The budget provides about $801  million from the General Fund for state hospital operations (about $887  million all funds).

LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: Employment Development Department (7100)

Recent grants in this area have provided services to populations with significant barriers to employment; such as the homeless, recent immigrants or refugees, those with chemical dependency, limited English skills, or out of school youth with no connection to the workforce .

2005 Initiative Analysis: Parent and Child Rights Act

If this measure increases the number of children with serious emotional or mental problems who go untreated, or experience significant delays in receiving treatment, the m easure could result in an unknown potential increase in costs in the long term due to problems these students might experience as adults, such as involvement with the criminal ju stice system, inability to sustain employment, homelessness, and the need for more intensive mental health treatment.

[PDF] An LAO Report Sheltering the Homeless: Alternatives to the Armories

In the case of a flood or earthquake, the presence of homeless individuals in the armory could delay the CNG’s response time. In these circumstances, the local government agency supervising the shelter pro- gram is responsible for relocating the homeless persons.