Results for irish state pension

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How Did California Schools Spend Common Core Implementation Funding? [Publication Details]

Jun 10, 2016 - The 2013-14 state budget package included $1.25 billion in Proposition 98 funding for schools to implement the new Common Core State Standards in English and math. State law allowed schools to use the funds in three areas associated with Common Core implementation: (1) information technology, (2) staff development, and (3) instructional materials.

Impact of Recent Criminal Justice Policies on the State Correctional Population [Publication Details]

Feb 23, 2017 - Impact of Recent Criminal Justice Policies on the State Correctional Population [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

The 2015-16 Budget: Overview of the Governor's Budget [Publication Details]

Jan 13, 2015 - The Governor's proposal to pay off the state's retiree health liabilities over the next few decades would, if funded, address the last of state government's large unaddressed liabilities. We conclude the state likely will collect more tax revenue in 2014-15 than the administration now estimates.

The 2017-18 Budget: The State Controller’s Office Unclaimed Property Program [Publication Details]

Feb 24, 2017 - The 2017-18 Budget: The State Controller’s Office Unclaimed Property Program [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

Cal Facts: 2014 [Publication Details]

Dec 4, 2014 - Cal Facts: 2014 [Publication Details] HTML Description: With a state as big, as populous, and as complex as California, it would be impossible to quickly summarize how its economy or state budget works.

The 2015-16 Budget: Cigarette Tax and Licensing Programs [Publication Details]

Apr 22, 2015 - The state also licenses tobacco sellers and distributors. Recently, there has been considerable legislative interest in the cost of these programs, which are administered by the State Board of Equalization (BOE).

[PDF] 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: Revenues

These five programs—deduc‑ tions for mortgage interest and charitable con‑ tributions, exclusions of employer payments for pensions and health insurers, and the exemption of capital gains on inherited property—reduce state revenues by more than $16 billion and ac‑ count for about half of all PIT tax expenditures.

The 2015-16 Budget: Health Benefits for Retired State Employees [Publication Details]

Mar 16, 2015 - The 2015-16 Budget: Health Benefits for Retired State Employees [Publication Details] Video Description: Health benefits for retired state employees constitute a large and growing cost for the State of California.

The 2016-17 Budget: Department Of Consumer Affairs

Feb 25, 2016 - Nearly all the schools that are ACAOM-accredited, but not Board-approved, are located out of state. Even if these sch ools are able to meet California ’s curriculum requirements and their students become eligible for licensure, their students may not seek California licensure because they may not want to practice in the state.

The 2019-20 May Revision: LAO Economic Outlook [Publication Details]

May 12, 2019 - Our office just released a summary of our updated state fiscal outlook for the May Revision. Our fiscal outlook is premised on a set of economic assumptions. While our November fiscal outlook included multiple economic scenarios, this update for May focuses on only one economic scenario: continuation of moderate economic growth.