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MOU Fiscal Analysis: Bargaining Unit 16 (Physicians) [Publication Details]

Mar 14, 2017 - We reviewed the proposed memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the state and Bargaining Unit 16. This bargaining unit is represented by the Union of American Physicians and Dentists (UAPD) and consists of state employed physicians, dentists, and podiatrists. This analysis fulfills our requirement under Section 19829.5 of the Government Code.

The 2017-18 Budget: State Treasurer’s Office [Publication Details]

Feb 3, 2017 - The 2017-18 Budget: State Treasurer’s Office [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

Overview of State Transportation Funding [Publication Details]

Jan 24, 2017 - Overview of State Transportation Funding [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

Options for Increasing State Funding for Transportation [Publication Details]

Jan 24, 2017 - Options for Increasing State Funding for Transportation [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

California's New Minimum Wage: Statewide Minimum Wage Increasing in January [EconTax Blog]

Dec 6, 2016 - Most Local Minimum Wages Are Slightly Narrower Than The State ’s. Very few employees are exempt from the statewide minimum wage. Most of California ’s local minimum wages have some additional exemptions.

The 2017-18 Budget: Increased Staffing for Labor Standards Enforcement

Mar 3, 2017 - For example, employers in the car wash and garment manufacturing industries and farm labor contractors are currently subject to registration with DLSE and enhanced enforcement activities under state law.

Governor's proposal for pharmacy benefits in Medi-Cal managed care

May 18, 2014 - Current Law Prohibits State Supplemental Rebates for Managed Care Drugs. Current state law prohibits DHCS from collecting state supplemental rebates for drugs provided through federally-defined managed care organizations (MCOs).

The 2020-21 Budget: Assessing the Governor's Reorganization Proposals [Publication Details]

Feb 7, 2020 - As part of his budget plan for 2020‑21, the Governor proposes six government reorganizations across several policy areas. In many cases, the Governor proposes consolidating agencies or shifting responsibilities from existing agencies to newly established entities. The proposals would affect a broad array of state departments, offices, and commissions that perform a wide range of functions.

The 2019-20 Budget: Proposition 56 Revenues: Reductions in Fixed Allocations

Feb 14, 2019 - Subscribe | California State Legislature | Online Voter Registration | Privacy Policy | Accessibility Legislative Analyst's Office | The California Legislature's Nonpartisan Fiscal and Policy Advisor 925 L Street, Suite 1000 Sacramento, CA 95814 | (916) 445-4656 | information [at]

July 2017 Update: Los Angeles’ Bid for the Olympics and Paralympics [Publication Details]

Jul 6, 2017 - The California Legislature has provided a $250 million backup guarantee for shortfalls of the 2024 Games, but Los Angeles' bid for 2024 is fairly low risk and it is hoped that no state guarantee funds will ever have to be paid out.