Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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The Universal Assessment Tool: Improving Care for Recipients of Home- and Community-Based Services

However, several county IHSS administrators reported to us that IHSS recipients and applicants may not be able to provide reliable information about the alternative resources they receive. Specifically, county IHSS administrators in several counties reported to us that they did not know the actual extent to which IHSS recipients were receiving

[PDF] "Accuracy in Presidential Voting Act of 2002"

County Costs. Counties would also incur additional staff costs to fulfill requests for accelerated certifications of the vote count. These statewide costs are unknown but could range from hundreds of thousands to several millions of dollars every four years depending on the number and size of counties required to participate in an accelerated certification.

[PDF] 1967 Budget Analysis: Local Assistance

These health services might be provided on such bases as joint county support of regional health departments to serve a number of counties or through reimbursable contracts with adjacent counties which currently support recognized local health departments.

2000 Budget Analysis: Governor's Transportation 2000 Initiative

Of that amount, about $450 million are local gas tax revenues. The proposal does not explain what local agencies would be required t o do by this date to demonstrate progress. The $450 million represents the cumulative amount of unspent gas tax revenues held by all the counties and cities statewide at a specific point in time.

[PDF] A Review of State Standards and Inspections for Local Detention Facilities

To pay for this realigned workload, the state provides counties with a portion of annual state sales tax revenue, which has totaled around $1 billion in recent years. Counties use a significant share of these funds to support jails.

LAO Analysis of the 1999-00 Budget Bill Resources Departmental Issues 1

Through this act, owners of undeveloped property are offered reduced local tax assessments in exchange for agreeing not to develop the land for ten years. These contracts between landowners and local governments are renewable.

2005 Initiative Analysis: The Honest Voting Act of 2005

The prohibition on electronic machines, however, does not apply to those counties which have already purchased and operate this type of equipment. For counties qual ifying for this exemption, the measure places new requirements on the administration of elections.

[PDF] Evaluating the Governor's Realignment Language for Health and Human Services Programs

LAO Recommendations to Ensure Long-Term Success of 2011 Realignment 2L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E May 2, 2012 LAO 70 YEARS OF SERVICE  More simplifi ed account structure provides some fi nancial fl exibility  Greater fl exibility for support services programs offers potential for counties to be more innovative and effi cient.  Similar fl exibility not

Cap-And-Trade Auction Update and GGRF Projections

Dec 6, 2021 - For example, the Legislature could use GGRF to provide lump sum rebates to households, reduce other state taxes (such as sales tax rates), or use the funds to reduce retail electricity rates. Importantly, each of these “revenue recycling” options could be structured in a way that maintains cap‑and‑trade’s incentive for households and businesses to reduce

2001 Budget Analysis:In-Home Supportive Services

The 2000-01 Budget Act provided sufficient funds for all counties that currently have public authorities to increase wages by $1.75. However, several counties did not increase wages by the full $1.75.