Results for 서울시 tax

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LAO 2008 Budget Analysis: Introduction: Higher Education

The budget also projects that local property taxes will contribute $2.2 billion for CCC in 2008 ‑09, which reflects an increase of $145 million, or 7 percent, from the revised current –year estimate.

LAO 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: Transportation: Background

The higher General Fund expenditures reflect the projected increase in Proposition 42 gasoline sales tax transfers to transportation, resulting from the increase in the state sales tax rate proposed by the Governor.

[PDF] Overview of Proposition 98 Conference Issues

June 2016 Overview of Proposition 98 Conference Issues All Plans Have Signifi cant Proposition 98 Spending (Continued) Proposition 98 Spending by Fund Source (In Millions) Governor Assembly Senate 2014-15 General Fund $50,029 $50,029 $50,029 Local property tax 17,124 17,117 17,117 Minimum Guarantee $67,153 $67,146 $67,146 2015-16 General Fund $49,773 $49,612 $49,612 Local

[PDF] Proposition 10—The California Renewable Energy and Clean Alternative Fuel Act (Bond Measure)

Increased Local Sales Tax and Vehicle License Fee (VLF) Revenues Increased local sales tax revenues, potentially totaling in the low tens of millions of dollars from 2009 to 2019, for the same reasons that state sales tax revenues may increase.

[PDF] California Budget Deficit Prevention Act, Amendment No. 1-S

General Fund support for Proposition 98, however, is influenced by both the overall growth in the guarantee and the growth rate in local property taxes (which offset, dollar-for-dollar, General Fund spending for K-14 Hon.

2000 Budget Perspectives: State Fiscal Picture

Tax Relief . Under our revenue projections, all of the triggered VLF rate reductions that were enacted in 1998 will automatically occur as scheduled. However, given the state's positive fisca l outlook and depending on its own priorities, the Legislature may wish to provide additional one-time or ongoing tax relief with some of the added resources we have identified.

[PDF] Initiative Statute: Amends Consumer Privacy Laws

X Potential Impacts on Tax Revenues „ This measure would have various impacts on business and consumers, which could then impact state and local tax revenues. „ On the one hand, tax revenues could decrease—such as if compliance costs reduce businesses profits.

[PDF] The 2023-24 Budget: Medi-Cal Fiscal Outlook

The current MCO tax has been in place since January 2020 and is scheduled under current law to end in December 2022. We project the end of this tax will increase General Fund spending by $1.5 billion in 2023-24.

[PDF] An Overview of the 1991-92 Governor's Budget

Our estimates of revenues beyond the budget year reflect a return to more-normal rates of growth Figure 3 The DOF Economic Forecast - Brief Recession Followed by Upturn in economic activity and underlying tax liabilities.

[PDF] LAO 1994 Budget Perspectives and Issues: Perspectives on the Economy and Demographics

It also reflects the impact of federal tax increases for high-income taxpayers enacted as part of the Clinton Administration's 1993 deficit reduction package. These retroactive tax increases will reduce spend- able incomes in 1994 both because of higher payments due on 1993 tax returns and because of the increased withholding and estimated tax pay- ments that take effect this year.