Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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State and Regional Economic Developments in California

Employment in the East Bay Counties also turned upward, b ut the rate of growth lagged somewhat in the early stages of the current economic expansion. Over the past two years, all counties within the Bay Area experienced healthy economic growth.

[PDF] Real Estate Fraud Prosecution Trust Fund Program

Initially, the program allowed counties to establish a fee of up to $2 for the fi ling of certain real estate documents with the county. These revenues were dedicated to support local law enforcement activities to fi ght real estate fraud.

Cal Facts: 2016

Dec 5, 2016 - Cal Facts: 2016 Limits property tax rates and assessment increases. Establishes vote requirement for certain taxes. 4 (1979) Sets annual state and local spending caps. Requires state to reimburse local governments for some state mandates. 98 (1988) Establishes minimum funding requirement for schools and community colleges. 172 (1993) Imposes half-cent sales

Funding for various brownfield-related activities. [Ballot]

Nov 29, 2021 - This measure would allow the state to borrow up to $2.7  billion by selling additional general obligation bonds to investors, who would be repaid with interest using the state ’s general tax revenues.

Maximizing State Benefits From Public–Private Partnerships

Unjustified Tax Adjustment. The VFM analysis for this project also included a $167 million adjustment in order to account for increased tax revenues (such as from corporate taxes) that the private developer would pay to the state under the P3 approach.

[PDF] CDCR: Offenders With Sentences of Three Years or Less

This funding could be used to support various county agencies, including sheriffs, probation, and drug and alcohol treatment programs. For 2010-11, we recommend providing counties with one-quarter (or $54 million) of the state savings.

[PDF] Child Abuse and Neglect in California

As shown on page 21, there is significant varia- tion among the counties in the percentage of reports that are “screened out” at the initial contact stage. Among the large counties, it ranges from 19 percent in Los Angeles County to 55 percent in Contra Costa County.

LAO Publications

Whether tax revenues grow further, stagnate, or, in the worst case, decline in 2015-16 will depend in large part on trends in volatil e capital gains and business income. Format:

LAO Publications

Whether tax revenues grow further, stagnate, or, in the worst case, decline in 2015-16 will depend in large part on trends in volatil e capital gains and business income. Format:

2009 Initiative Analysis: State Parks and Wildlife Conservation Trust Fund Act

The VLF is an annual levy on the depreciated value of registered vehicles in California levied in lieu of the local property tax. The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) collects the VLF on behalf of the state and VLF revenues are primarily distributed to cities and counties.